Thursday, April 05, 2007

men are stupid

I have a right to my anger, and I don't want anybody telling me I shouldn't be, that it's not nice to be, and that something's wrong with me because I get angry.
- Maxine Waters, in Brian Lanker, I Dream a World, 1989

I've thought about it, and I now realize why I get resentful when jp disappears off to Union.

It's because I feel cheated!!!

Now, first and foremost, I don't mind if he goes off to Union without me and has a good time. Ideally though, i would be having a good time with him at Union, but sometimes, circumstances deem this arrangement rather difficult so I am OK with the fact that he goes off on his own without me.

But consider this...

He calls you and tells you that he has been working like a dog and is dead tired. He then proceeds to tell you his schedule for the next day. He ends at 10pm. He then says "perhaps I can meet you, or drop by your place tomorrow after my work. But, I have an appt at Sengkang tomorrow lei."

You tell him that since he is so tired and has so much work to do, it's quite pointless for him to come over to meet you after his work since it will be very late. Moreover, he will have to wake up extra early the next day for his appt since Woodlands is not exactly near Sengkang.

He says "Hmm, okay. I'll let you know tomorrow".

Here is the problem. It lies in the "I'll let you know" part.

When I hear "I'll let you know", I get some a strange, stupid ray of hope that he will come and meet me despite everything. If he had just said "Oh, okay, I'll meet you some other day then", at least I won't have that hope that we will meet up.

Things get ugly when the next day, he casually mentions that he might be going down to Union because Patrick and the guys are asking him down for drinks after ending work.


What happened to the "perhaps I can meet you, or drop by your place tomorrow after my work. But, I have an appt at Sengkang tomorrow"? How come it's suddenly been replaced by a drinks session with the boys at Union?

*angry* *angry* *ANGRY*

He should just have said no at the beginning!!!

This is a girl thing. I don't expect the men to understand and I congratulate the women who have bothered to read so far. You do know what I mean, don't you?



audrey at 17:07

5 lamb droppings