Monday, January 23, 2006

growing up

Went MOS on saturday with my old old starhub clubbing gang...and while i feel that they haven't changed much...i think im a little different now.

For starters, i can't really drink that much anymore.

Another thing is that I don't enjoy dancing like a crazy chicken anymore either. Haha...

Nonetheless, it was still a great outing..really missed that crazy bunch! *hope you guys are reading this!*

Must be the age...or perhaps the work stress catching up with me.

Hai...old old old.


audrey at 18:31

0 lamb droppings

Saturday, January 21, 2006

I'm a slave for you...(or not) (Part 1)

Dear all,

From now on, I will be offering my advises free of charge after witnessing how people can get affected due to dire mismanagements of their work lifes, which ultimately create obnoxious attitudes within their own personal behaviours, thus affecting also people around them, misjudging their good intentions with the intent of causing impairments.

The first topic I would like to touch on is: Power and Politics.

In terms of getting things done in an organisation, it definitely helps when you have power. Employees are constantly trying to increase others’ dependencies on them while at the same time mimimising their own reliances on others. What is the end result? You have power. You might say, “How to? It not as easy as it is? I’m confined, controlled and restricted. How can I manipulate?”

If the answer is as simple as ABC, there wouldn’t be a status quo. Although there are loads of ways to achieve monopoly over co-workers, even to your boss, I’ll leave that to you lot but I will drop pointers here.

Few employees would relish being powerless in their jobs within organisations. It is true to say, when employees are difficult, argumentative and temperamental (i.e. even to the extend of portraying these negative values outside work), it may be because they are in positions of powerlessness; positions in which I would define as correlating to performance expectations placed on them far exceeding their own resources and capabilities.

There are ways to change. Certain power attributes like Expert (e.g., if you have something to offer which no one in the organisation could give), referent (i.e. the ability to manipulate co-workers, superiors with cold hard facts which they couldn’t disagree on), charismatic (i.e. not applicable to most here as only a certain few possessed this valuable attribute). These are some examples of personal qualities which you could tap into so as to maximise your influence on others, thus gaining power.

Be someone within the organisation whom people would respect or admire because you have certain qualities that are not general in nature (e.g., power playing).

The power of your boss may also play a role in determining your job satisfaction. One reason why many of us work for and with people who are more powerful is that generally, they are more pleasant, not because they’re Mr. Nice guys or Miss happy; but the fact that reputation and the reality of being in power permitted them to delegate others, working towards what they want with your efforts. (Notice why most bosses smile at you when you work so hard for them?)

Here are my tips:

First off, you would have to accept and observe the political nature in your organisation (e.g. Boss is a say-all-I-want but no show and co-workers working so hard till their insides turned (read previous paragraph)). By assessing behaviours using a political framework, there will be better predictions to the actions of others. Use this information to formulate political strategies that would eventually reap rewards.

Some people can be said to be more “politically astute” than others. I can honestly tell you why. Those who are good at playing politics can be expected to have better appraisals, hence huge salary increments and promotions faster than the speed of light than the politically naïve or inept people which I referred to as the Yes man/woman (“Don’t fire me, I promise to do and serve like a slave”). The politically astute individuals are more satisfied at work (ever notice how your boss would praise an arsehole who does no work?).

There is never a situation where you are in a handicapped position (e.g. I’m a new guy, it’s my first job, my boss is too cunning, I’M JUST TOO LAZY TO DO ANYTHING!).

It’s never bad to start playing “dirty” early in your career, notice why those key position holders are such bastards? It takes practice from young. In order to climb and to enjoy benefits that are for only the selected few eventually, the key is to being ruthless, as Genghis Khan cited, to win this war, I will take down my own sons even if it cost me their lives.

For those of you who are unwilling to play the politics game, there would thus be lower job satisfaction and self performances, which would increase anxieties (even after work) and the ultimate ending of you quitting your job.

Go think creativity, there are loopholes everywhere you could exploit, all it matters is whether you would want to take that risk, hey, and anyway you’re going sack yourself as an end result.

I thank you for your time

Stay Tune

The Masterpiece


Mr_Mimosa at 03:51

1 lamb droppings

Friday, January 20, 2006

Singapore vs The World

Met up for dinner and drinks with Zeting ( who is back for a supremely short stint to clear shit) yday night.

Perhaps the fact that both of us are not Singaporean, the conversation ultimately turned to migration and how livable a country was. Naturally, some country bashing took place...but hey, we all know how fucked up Singapore is, it just can't be helped. :P

Anyhow, we obviously upset mr mimosa with all our talk about how it was better to live Melborne (this was obviously Zeting's opinion) and other countries (mine, since i've not been staying anywhere for extended periods and so can't justify which country is the best, as yet.) and how Singapore sucked.

If you are patriotic...please stop reading now. I'm sure you will be most pissed by the time you reach the end of this article that you'll think I'm a bitch.

So, stop. Now.

Well, for what it's worth, I do think Singapore is a fantastic country. But I do not think it is a great nation. For the uninitiated, there is a difference between "country" and "nation".

**A country is a self-governing political entity while a nation is a tightly-knit group of people which share a common culture.**

Undoubtedly, Singapore is very advanced in terms of technology, economy and all the other political yada-yada. Unfortunately, being so developed has had very little effect on her people (so far...might take another decade or more). While Singaporeans like to sneer at the unsophisticatedness of the Third World, they fail to see their own shortcomings as a nation.

Of course, not every Singaporean is guilty of being a kiasu, narrow-minded, money-grabbing and arrogant cheapskate. Definitely not! But the main bulk of people seem really content to live in their oyster and are ever so proud of their small scale achievements (i.e. buying the latest Beemer, been seen at which high-class restaurant and for spending how much money) in their perfectly planned (read: mundane) lives.

It never fails to amaze me how Singaporeans refuse to look at the bigger picture, to see past the paper-chase, the buying of flats and how to outdo the Jones. They seem contented in just doing well in school, finding a good job, getting married and dying. The average Singaporean wakes up, takes the train to work, knocks off at 6, goes home for dinner, watches some telly and sleeps. Repeating this every day, every week, every year....till they die.

Really. And the sad fact remains that most people don't like what they study (they study what their parents tell them to or what will earn more when they graduate) and as a result, end up in jobs that they hate. Just about everyone I know hates their job..or at least doesn't find fufilment in what they do.

Me? My job is challenging...but i certainly am not in love in it.

I just need to break out of this mould...this monotony. Singapore, as a nation, can't help me do that. Singapore's not bad. It's just not what I want.


audrey at 10:39

0 lamb droppings

Wednesday, January 18, 2006

Ban the Bitch.

I am actually fine with her being a racist because all of us at a point of time shared her same sentiments.

The fact that I had my signature on this petition was that she had disrespected men. Any girl who has the courage to say this should be rammed through the backdoor. Limb dicks? She prolly hasn't been filled in all 3 holes before.

back to topic;

"any residue deemed hazardous to health should be sterilized and cleansed!"

The Masterpiece
"I spit in the face of women whom are disrespectful to men"


Mr_Mimosa at 12:35

0 lamb droppings

Tuesday, January 17, 2006

where did my links go?

my links are gone...damn it.


audrey at 10:34

0 lamb droppings

Monday, January 09, 2006


Was just browsing through Friendster and discovered that 2 of my ex secondary school mates had ROMed. Meaning to say, my dear friend has progressed from a "miss" to a "mrs". Wow.

While I am truly happy for them (they're epitomize the ultimate childhood sweetheart couple thng...they've been dating since they were like, what, 14 or 15?), I am in a state of shock.

My friends just got married!

Gosh...and both of them are just 23 this year. I believe they are both their first loves, and they've been together for like nearly a decade and so getting married is just the next step i guess. But I'm 23 this year too...and I really dun think I'd exchange any vows any time soon.

I'm really impressed. While I am still at a stage where I'm hankering for long holidays to exotic places, branded stuff to buy and sweating all the petty stuff, my 2 dear friends have taken the plunge and gotten themselves hitched. Why...I guess they are saving to buy a flat now. Argh.

Buying a flat is the last thing on my mind. I need to live life first.

Apparently, alot of people I know are getting married, engaged or are already hitched. And I always do these people know that they've made the right choice? How do they know that this one is the one? Or is getting married purely a natural progression?



audrey at 14:04

7 lamb droppings

Sunday, January 08, 2006

happy birthday, wilson

Just a big shout out to Wilson...wishing him a HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!

Hope you enjoyed yourself yesterday...and that you got roaring drunk after I left. Heh.

Pick 1929 next time ya? Pricey (think the price increased since the last time i checked)..but ooh! Haha..

Anyway, for the benefit of those who are not in the know, check out the nonsense pictures! Just click on Wilson's Birthday for an idea of the stupid things we did.

It's great having you as a pal man...And I mean it! Cheers!


audrey at 18:45

0 lamb droppings