Monday, June 30, 2003


I watched Charlie's Angels:Full Throttle yesterday. It was like the newspapers said it would be..brainless action-packed fun. I enjoyed it quite a lot. Highly recc. :)

For some weird reason..i have grown a liking for retro music. I guess..haha..I must be (finally) growing up. My bubble techno days are like so over. Actually, there's nothing wrong with techno..weirdly, i find the mindless beats comforting and ridiculous lyrics fun..the only problem is that the crowd following techno is a little less than desirable. I so hate the stares, innuendo and beng poseurs. hey! I think i just invented a new word...beng poseurs! Haha...

Anyway..most prob. i'd be recce-ing Devil's Bar come wednesday. Call me sua ku..but i haven't been there before..heehee...

Alright..i need to go get ready for my 2nd self-practice now. Byeeeeeeeeee!


audrey at 14:56

0 lamb droppings

Sunday, June 29, 2003


i didn't bake the cake in the end...hehe..oops! Anyway..going to make sushi later so cant write much today. I just want to state that i had a totally sucky saturday yesterday. Guess where i went??!! I went to a BAR...not just any old bar..the bar had girls.

it was an interesting experience..i couldn't help but wonder what were the girls thinking when men they didn't know or like groped them like crazy...they all literally had "im so bored stiff" expressions on their face. My friend labelled them as 'vibrating dolls' cuz they just kept jiggling themselves on the laps of the men. Derogatory but interesting. Im quite curious to know how much are they paid to 'jiggle'.

The girls were quite a glance..but upon closer was merely the makeup. behind it all were bored, desperate and disgusted women whos' feelings and life experiences had all but marred their looks. Sad.

Anyway..can't stay to dwell on the misery of others..i have my own angst to attend cya!


audrey at 12:42

0 lamb droppings

Friday, June 27, 2003


I have finally been moved to the new blogger! For starters, its neater and best of looks cleaner. Good job, i must say!

Oh, u much for my last blog. i didn't even manage to make it to the 'mildly polluted waters' of Singapore. Not even the diluted pee pools of sad...Oh well...tomorrow will always be better as they say...

Basically i spent most of my day (today) in the kitchen. Yeah. You can go buy some 4D or Toto now. haha. I downloaded recipes off the net and spent the day trying them out. I made chawanmushi, gyoza, tempura and salmon sashimi lei. heh. Was it any good? Mmm...i would say it was ok for a first attempt. I think i will definitely try the chawanmushi again soon.

I got to go into a fish/seafood freezer today. As i wore the coat and walked in ... ( case u were wondering how on earth can i just walk right into a freezer from nowhere..i was with my bro and mom trying to buy some real fresh salmon for my sashimi from the direct sellers) ...i finally understood what it must feel like to die of hypothermia. Though i wasn't even close. Even with the blasted coat (which reached my ankles) and was so thick and heavy..i was freezing my butt off. Literally. I was so cold i kinda stopped thinking about being surrounded by so much yummy CHEAP seafood. In the end..i only managed to grab a giant bag of oysters, prawns and salmon before scampering out. My mom was having a field day watching me chatter. haha........

Anyway..I would like to wish Adrian (if he ever actually comes and visits my blog) an early happy 20th birthday. And yes, i officially announce here on my blog that i will attempt to bake him a cake. hehe...will update u guys on how it turned out. :)

K now...going to play an outdate computer game now. For the curious (read: KPO), im playing diablo. :)



audrey at 23:25

0 lamb droppings

Tuesday, June 24, 2003

yo people!

yo yo yo!!! in such a good mood today...must be because i woke up to a job offer today...that means MONEY!!! ya? *bleah* Opps..that was my act-cute side acting up again...its harder to control when i am so happy. Happy happy happy....

Hey, have you ever wondered why do some words look like what they mean? Don't make sense? I mean, like the word, looks like its the feeling of happy "wordified"..same thing as 'unhappy'. Hmm....ok, i know, i will stop it..i don't seem to be talking earth language..

Anyway..hopefully i will be getting the telcom job...i don't wanna be stuck with Tiger or Guiness forever....

Aw is simply too nice to be stuck at home, plonking at the computer..i think i'll go pack my stuff and head for the pool/beach/park now...which also makes me wonder...what will it be like if Singapore had a nudist colony? Heehee...*naughty thoughts*.....i think it won't work cuz:

1. Singapore is too may bump into your next-door neighbours...ex-boyfriend with his cheesy girlfriend getting jiggy with it on the that would be GROSS!

2. PAP would never allow it. Imagine.........urg..i can't even conjure the image of any of our politicians sunbathing in the nude!

3. Call me racist...but i don't want any banglas staring at my boobs! Yuck!

4. What if your secret admirer (actually not so secret, since u know who is your secret admirer) whose affections totally grosses you know...spies on you? Double yuck!

5. (This is the ultimate!) What if you meet your PARENTS when you are together with your bf/gf????? Oh NO................!

Haaha...sorry, that was just me being boh liao again. Hey, admit was a little entertaining at least right? Don't deny it...else why the hell are you here reading my dumb blog if u are anything but bored? You truly care about my stupid little musings??? Aww...i think not. :)

Heading for the sand and surf (okok...heading for mildly polluted waters of singapore...can?). So.....See ya!


audrey at 11:17

0 lamb droppings

Friday, June 20, 2003

Hey people,

i have scrapped through my prac 4 part 2!!! Yay!!!

I'm doing some self-practice now...need lots of it. hehe...maybe i'll be taking my prac. 5 in a week or two.

I was wondering, what exactly constitutes love? I heard from somewhere that this question is unanswerable but that you would know when it happens. So exactly when do we draw the line between like and love? And how do we know for sure that the so called love isn't just another form of a very strong feeling of like??? Hmm....

How is it that we can love our respective boyfriends and girlfriends and accept their flaws unquestioningly but not those of our friends? How is it that we can forgive them so quickly just because it is them? But yet, we can give a friend the cold shoulder even after a sincere apology? How is it that we can heck a friend whose been there for you for years for a guy who you have known for less than 1?

Or maybe im just getting my premises wrong. Hmm......

My boyfriend just asked me why is it that girls always fall for (and to make matters worse,stick with) the bastards. I was kinda stumped for a while but later tried to explain the concept of cognitive dissonance to him. He didn't really buy it. Instead, he merely asked if i preferred him to be a bastard so that i would stick with him. Interesting.

Anyway, i'll part here with a saying

"Love is not blind. It sees more, not less. That is why it chooses to see less."

Think about it. Ciao!


audrey at 00:01

0 lamb droppings

Monday, June 16, 2003

OOOOOOOOOO.........i passed my RTT man!!! I am now OFFICIALLY halfway through!!!!! :))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))))


audrey at 12:39

0 lamb droppings

hi people,

i am officially out of a job Tiger stint has ended so now i am like bumming around again. Sigh. How totally wretched. I am reduced to watching TV (btw, i hate watching TV so u can guess how bored i am that i am actually willing to stare at the tube), surfing and d/ling mp3s and harassing people on the phone. Sigh. How sad.

Oh, i didn't let on in earlier blogs that i was promoting Tiger beer yah? Haha...kk, its not as bad as it sounds. The job's is quite simple actually...All i need to do is just sit on the laps of old perverted men so they will buy the beer.

NOT! Did you buy that??!! Did you honestly? guys should have a little more faith in me man....ok, i'll cut to the chase...essentially, i move from supermarket to supermarket wearing a stupid dress (which isn't even sexy, to me at least) trying to promote Tiger's six-can pack and increase brand awareness..Mm..its ok cuz i only stay in 1 supermarket for an hour before moving off to another supermarket.

So what did i learn? Mm...basically there are UNDERCOVER security guards in the supermarket pretending to be customers. Hmm..the one in Yishun is particularly good. He really acts the part.

Okay now, i am going to change to go out for lunch now. see u guys around!


audrey at 12:36

0 lamb droppings

Friday, June 13, 2003

good evening..

im bored. im eating instant noodles and staring at my computer and waiting for my mp3s to download at the same time. BTW, did i tell you, i saved a caterpillar from being trodden to death today :) that made me feel kinda good all a matter a fact, on retrospect, the caterpillar looked quite alot like a hairband i and furry.

Oh man oh man...i am soooooo bored....


audrey at 01:29

0 lamb droppings

Thursday, June 12, 2003

hi everyone...
i jus realised that somehow for some weird reason, my last blog is missing. oh well, i guess i'll just have to repeat myself then. Erm, essentially, i have passed my prac 4 part 1 and just did my prac 4 part 2 this morning. er..hehehe...i need to repeat part 2. :P You wouldn't believe what happened. :PPP Let me just briefly tell you what i was supposed to do today..

we were supposed to take turns pillioning each other while going through the obstacles..namely, crank, fig 8, e brake, plank and the pylon slalom. Mmm...I started off with the crank course and well...i nearly crashed into a tree with my pillion. Boy, both of us were like screaming like crazy! I think i didn't pick up enough speed before kicking into 2nd gear so i got stuck in neutral as a result. Somehow or other...we mounted the kerb and headed straight for the tree. Everything happened so fast! Before i knew it, i had stopped in front of the tree and both, me and my pillion, were giggling like mad. Even the instructor was laughing. I guess it must have been pretty funny.

I probarly could have passed if i didn't fall off the plank at the very end but i did so i guess i'll be repeating my lesson. Its gonna be on tuesday. Now i know what it is like to pillion someone. Boy, its really quite stressful. I also now know how it feels like to have someone talk to the back of your head. :)

K, im going for my afternoon nap now. I'll see you around!


audrey at 12:17

0 lamb droppings