Monday, March 31, 2003

ok, third attempt at blogging...2nd attempt got deleted away when i clicked on the wrong "post" button. ah! It happens.

Now, what was it that i was saying just now? ah yes, i was trying to decide on the tone to use on this bloggy thingy and after a little deliberation, decided to use whatever came most naturally to me. Which is..*drum roll*...a whiney style. Why? Its personal but not too least i hope i don't get too personal in my blogs. Can't be that good a thing to publish my dirty laundry online for the world to read. Anyway...

Recently, i learnt a lesson which (quite obviously since i am now writing it online) i would like to share with everybody (if anybody at all comes and reads my silly little musings). I learnt that we should always learn from a young age to know which truths to tell. And which truths that we choose to tell to be the whole truths. Now, i learnt in my introductory linguistics class that telling a lie can be a truth at a same time. contradictory? Let me explain, for example, if i say that (to quote my lecturer) i was born in 1983 and am 16 years old. Apparently, i am not telling a lie, but neither am i telling a whole truth either. For one thing, i am definitely way past sweet 16 (neither do i really want to return to time when i was 16. Too busy worrying about my o levels!) but i had to be 16 before being 20. So to say that i am 16 years old is true, though not entirely. I digress.

To get back to my main point, we should always know which whole truths to tell. Recently, my relationship with my boyfriend of 2 1/2 years (ok, so we were on and off. But in total, its been about 2 1/2 years) nearly ended because i had been telling half truths. I guess to put it really really bluntly, you could say that i had been lying. But i wasn't really lying, i just wasn't being totally honest. I am not denying that i was wrong to take our relationship for granted and compromising honesty for convenience. I know i was wrong. Not only did my relationship nearly end, i made my bf and one other person really mad. I guess telling half-truths is the easy way out and being a Pisces (ya, just like me to blame it on astrology right? haha...) made it even worse.

I am not against people telling half truths, why, i think the world revolves around half-truths and blatant lies. Who would be so naive to imagine a world of truth? Not I. I certainly wouldn't want to live in one even if one existed. I think the truth is cold, brutal and painful. Now you know why my bf thinks i am coated with lies (yes lies, not honey). Of course i am NOT (read:NOT) saying that people should lie, i am just saying that i think it is(and has been) preferred alternative to the brutal slicing truth. Quite naturally so, don't you think?

I hope that you will not think that i am always prone to telling lies and that i am a liar after reading my so called confession. Actually, I consider myself to be quite honest. At least i am not hypocritical. That's the ultimate no-no. However, i must admit that i am prone to telling half-truths and little fibs to avoid confrontations and nasty stuff. If i learnt anything, i have learnt that sometimes we cannot hide behind the comforting mask of white lies and half-truths all the time. Especially if the pertaining issue is important. I also learnt that being completely honest in a relationship is always the best. Even if it hurts someone badly and it makes you look really bad, it is for the best in the long run. Trust me, i know.


audrey at 21:13

0 lamb droppings

Friday, March 28, 2003

Erm, hello..
Dun quite know what to write in my very first blog. Wonder if I'll become just as hooked onto blogging as people say I will...I wonder......Anyway, im not gonna put much up today, just a trial and error thingy...


audrey at 22:12

0 lamb droppings