Saturday, March 31, 2007

my dearest, darling, doggy do...

Zsazsa had her first furcut (yes, furcut, as opposed to haircut since she only has fur) today. Cute??

Somehow, her new cut makes her look fatter than ever! Even the groomer commented that she was, er, meaty. :(

After all the horror stories about dog abuse and other la di da, my mother refused to let me leave the dog at the pet shop. She insisted that I hang around the shop while the dog is being groomed.

So i figured i might as well get the groomer to come to my house instead.

Anyway, I paid $40 for the groomer (jolyn) to come to my place for a full grooming session.

The only problem was that I had to supply my own shampoo and because I didn't pass her the ear cleaning liquid, that was left undone too.

Can't say it was a super value for money job but i think the overall result is not too bad. Any feedback?

As for Zsa zsa, she seemed pretty happy...i guess getting rid of all that fur was a real relief. hehe.

Anyway, for those of you who might be interested to find out more about Jolyn, click here.

Oh, and how did I find out about Jolyn? I managed to google her.

I hereby declare that you can find the answers for anything on Google. :D


audrey at 20:10

4 lamb droppings

Friday, March 30, 2007

Something's gotta give

Opportunity Cost
There is a cost to everything we do. As they say, you can't have your cake and eat it too.

I can't do salsa, go to the gym, hang out with my friends, pamper my dog, get to know my parents and siblings, make time for God, try out new activities, work AND find time to cuddle up with my bf all at once.

I tried that before...sacrificing sleep to try and cram as much as I possible could into one day. I would ignore the pain in my knee and feet as I danced through the night. I dismissed the circles and bags under my eyes and the tired look I had on my face all the time.

At the end of the day, all i had was quantity, not quality .
I was also exhausted and, horror of horrors, started looking older than I should. I then started to question why the hell was I trying to kill myself, and if i even liked what I was doing at all.

There are opportunity costs for everything we do.
I can dance all night, 4 times a week, but it will be at the expense of my bad knee and feet.
I can work late and meet up with my friends but it will be at the expense of jp.
I can stay over more often at jp's house, but i will leave zsa zsa lonely at home.
I can go home to play with zsa zsa but I won't be able to meet so many friends for dinner or drinks.
I can hang out with friends often, but will need to sacrifice sleep and shopping money.

The list can go on forever.

What I want to know is, is JP sacrificing his time with me to pursue his work, his salsa and his never-ending drinks at Union with Patrick, that is the question. Sometimes I wonder, when he says he can't meet me or has alot of work to do, how is it that he can still hang out dancing the night away 3 times a week?

He dances all night, but at the expense of not getting work done.
He can work, but loses sleep.
He sleeps and doesn't entertain me.

Sometimes, I can't help but suspect, that i am the thing to give.


audrey at 11:45

0 lamb droppings

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Father Time does not have a moustache

Have you ever felt that Time is just sneaking around and waiting to catch you unaware so that you will very suddenly realize that a decade or 2 has just passed you by?

Was walking home today when i noticed that the atrium* just next to my block was available for use. Usually, it's occupied by kids kicking a ball around, or kids and their maid(s) playing badminton and whatnot. But today, it was empty.

And I thought to myself that it'd be great if I could have a game with my brothers since i was back home early for a change.

But, when i reached home, I found that Jonathan was away at camp and wouldn't be back for days and Daniel was in the toilet bathing and playing badminton would the LAST thing on his mind.

I feel kinda sad..because it was only not that long ago that they were clamouring to get me to play with them and at that time, I was only interested in boys and shopping. Well, not that im not interested in boys and shopping now...i'm just not so interested anymore.

I suspect that i may actually need to book appointments to meet up with my brothers now...what with them growing up and such. But guess I can always do what my mother does when she wants to talk to me.


*You can play mini-tennis, or badminton or whatever mini game you fancy at the atrium. It's got those giant spotlight things and the court is lit up till about 11pm or so every night.


audrey at 22:06

0 lamb droppings

The opposite of hate must be love

Earlier on today, a friend that I have not spoken to for ages suddenly msned me. He was an ex-colleague of mine...back in the days when I skipped class to do roadshows for Starhub.

Anyway, we started talking..and everything was fine until he suddenly announced that HE WAS GETTING MARRIED THIS 9th of DECEMBER!

I was like, what?!!!!

I remember how he used to complain about his control-freak of a gf. The girl is okay..just really anal about certain things. Like no drinking. No clubbing. No going home late. And no smoking. Blah, blah, blah.

To cut a long story short, all I remember of her is how my friend would have to sneak around, behind her back, to hang out with us. I also remember how annoyed he waas for having to "hide" in such a pathetic fashion, and how we used to laugh at him for not standing up for himself.

To make matters worse, she was a vegetarian and he didn't exactly enjoy greens. Think there was some religion issue as well or something.



The passionate and the cold. The quick-tempered and the mild. The forth-coming and the reserved. The polar opposites.

I guess miracles do happen afterall.


audrey at 17:30

0 lamb droppings

Monday, March 26, 2007

love is just a piece of rubber

Seems like everyone around me is plagued by issues of the heart recently.
I, for one, spent the weekend biting jp's head off. I just couldn't help it..I was in a very disagreeable mood last weekend. The leftovers of the bout of depression earlier on in the week.

Oh, we've kissed and made up since. And yes, I AM sorry. :(

Sometimes, I wonder if I need help. Sometimes, I wonder why the smallest, littlest things make me go off. Sometimes I wonder if have issues with expressing myself. Sometimes I wonder if I'm going crazy. Sometimes, I wonder...if I am turning into my father.

Maybe I should start saving money in case I really need the reclining couch in future. Those things are exorbitantly priced!

Anyway, back to what I was saying...

Someone I know compared love to a rubber band. Another person I know thinks that you just need love, not marriage. And yet another wonders if it's even love.

Came across this (in my opinion, very wise and very succinctly put) snippet on one of life's greatest mysteries...

There is no one answer to why people want to be together.......

and it is idealistic to think that people get together for love. Every couple is together for different causes. Some for bearing children, some for security, some for money, some for mere campanionship etc. For whatever reason you choose, make sure you are ready to live with it. Do not compare.

Choose a partner who accepts you as you are.......

because frankly, life is tiring enough as it is to pretend to be someone you are not. What it comes down to is, if you can be youself at your weakest with this person without being judged, he is probably the one for you.

Do not have a preconceived idea of what The One is going to be like.......
because he may be perfect on paper, but if you are not 'ngam', means not 'ngam' and no matter how hard you try to mask it, nothing you can do will change that

If the two of you are not compatible in bed, you two are probably not going to last.......

so please test drive the car first and if it doesn't rev, get out and RUN!

Whatever it is, love always needs work. It never happens like in the movies.
Like what my friend says in his rubbery theory, love is like a rubberband - pull it too taut and it will snap. Leave it alone for too long, and time will rot the rubber away.


audrey at 18:21

7 lamb droppings

Gone to the dogs


This is Zsazsa with her toy dinosaur..after losing a teensy bit of weight..hehe.

Was just surfing the net when I stumbled upon the following boh liao dog trivia.
Have fun reading!

•Based on an average life span of 11 years, the cost of owning a dog is $13,350.

• Dogs only sweat from the bottoms of their feet, the only way they can discharge heat is by panting. Dogs and wolves yawn as a sign of contentment.

• Dogs have about 100 different facial expressions, most of them made with the ears.
Unfortunately, the likes of bulldogs and pitbulls only have 10, due to their breeding. Therefore, these dogs easily get misinterpreted by other dogs and often get into fights.

• One of the worlds oldest breeds of dog is the Saluki. It is thought to have been developed in ancient Mesopotamia around 3000 B.C.

• "Three dog night" (attributed to Australian Aborigines) came about because on especially cold nights these nomadic people needed three dogs (dingos, actually) to keep from freezing.

• A dog's sense of smell is one of the keenest in nature. If a pot of stew was cooking on a stove, a human would smell the stew, while the dog could smell the beef, carrots, peas, potatoes, spices, and all the other individual ingredients in the stew. In fact, if you unfolded and laid out the delicate membranes from inside a dogs nose, the membranes would be larger than the dog

• It was recently discovered that dogs DO see in color, just not as vivid as the color that humans see.

• Two dogs survived the sinking of Titanic, yes that's right, two DOGS survived. They escaped on early lifeboats carrying so few people that no one objected. Miss Margaret Hays of New York brought her Pomeranian with her in lifeboat No. 7, while Henry Sleeper Harper of the publishing family boarded boat No. 3 with his Pekinese, Sun Yat Sen.

• Giving dogs chocolate could be fatal for them, because theobromine, an ingredient of chocolate, stimulates the central nervous system and cardiac muscle. About 1.1 kg of milk chocolate or just 146 g of cooking chocolate (which has more theobromine per gram) could kill a 22 kg dog.

• In the original 101 Dalmatians movie, Pongo has 72 spots, Perdita has 68 and each of the puppies has 32

Yes, yes...Zsazsa loves you too. :D


audrey at 14:12

1 lamb droppings

Thursday, March 22, 2007

A Speculum of my Melancholia...

Mirror by Sylvia Plath

I am silver and exact. I have no preconceptions.
Whatever I see I swallow immediately
Just as it is, unmisted by love or dislike.
I am not cruel, only truthful --
The eye of a little god, four-cornered.
Most of the time I meditate on the opposite wall.
It is pink, with speckles. I have looked at it so long
I think it is part of my heart. But it flickers.
Faces and darkness separate us over and over.

Now I am a lake. A woman bends over me,
Searching my reaches for what she really is.
Then she turns to those liars, the candles or the moon.
I see her back, and reflect it faithfully.
She rewards me with tears and an agitation of hands.
I am important to her. She comes and goes.
Each morning it is her face that replaces the darkness.
In me she has drowned a young girl, and in me an old woman
Rises toward her day after day, like a terrible fish.


audrey at 22:00

3 lamb droppings

Monday, March 19, 2007

Everyone is free (to wear sunscreen)

Sorry...but just could not resist..needed to, compelled to, had to put up the lyrics of the Sunscreen Song.

Just in case you guys had no idea what the hell the title of my last post was referring to. :D

Baz Lurhmann's Sunscreen Song

Ladies and Gentlemen of the class of ’99, if I could offer you only one tip for the future, sunscreen would be it.

The long term benefits of sunscreen have been proved by scientists whereas the rest of my advice has no basis more reliable than my own meandering experience…I will dispense this advice now.

Enjoy the power and beauty of your youth; oh nevermind; you will not understand the power and beauty of your youth until they have faded.

But trust me, in 20 years, you’ll look back at photos of yourself and recall in a way you can’t grasp now, how much possibility lay before you and how fabulous you really looked.

You’re not as fat as you imagine.

Don’t worry about the future; or worry, but know that worrying is as effective as trying to solve an algebra equation by chewing bubblegum. The real troubles in your life are apt to be things that never crossed your worried mind; the kind that blindside you at 4pm on some idle Tuesday.

Do one thing everyday that scares you.


Don’t be reckless with other people’s hearts, don’t put up with people who are reckless with yours.


Don’t waste your time on jealousy; sometimes you’re ahead, sometimes you’re behind…the race is long, and in the end, it’s only with yourself.

Remember the compliments you receive, forget the insults; if you succeed in doing this, tell me how.

Keep your old love letters, throw away your old bank statements.


Don’t feel guilty if you don’t know what you want to do with your life…the most interesting people I know didn’t know at 22 what they wanted to do with their lives, some of the most interesting 40 year olds I know still don’t.

Get plenty of calcium.

Be kind to your knees, you’ll miss them when they’re gone.

Maybe you’ll marry, maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll have children, maybe you won’t. Maybe you’ll divorce at 40, maybe you’ll dance the funky chicken on your 75th wedding anniversary…what ever you do, don’t congratulate yourself too much or berate yourself either – your choices are half chance, so are everybody else’s.

Enjoy your body, use it every way you can…don’t be afraid of it, or what other people think of it, it’s the greatest instrument you’ll ever own.

Dance. Even if you have nowhere to do it but in your own living room.

Read the directions, even if you don’t follow them.

Do NOT read beauty magazines, they will only make you feel ugly.

Get to know your parents, you never know when they’ll be gone for good.

Be nice to your siblings; they are the best link to your past and the people most likely to stick with you in the future.

Understand that friends come and go,but for the precious few you should hold on. Work hard to bridge the gaps in geography and lifestyle because the older you get, the more you need the people you knew when you were young.

Live in New York City once, but leave before it makes you hard; live in Northern California once, but leave before it makes you soft.


Accept certain inalienable truths, prices will rise, politicians will philander, you too will get old, and when you do you’ll fantasize that when you were young prices were reasonable, politicians were noble and children respected their elders.

Respect your elders.

Don’t expect anyone else to support you. Maybe you have a trust fund, maybe you have a wealthy spouse; but you never know when either one might run out.

Don’t mess too much with your hair, or by the time you're 40, it will look 85.

Be careful whose advice you buy, but, be patient with those who supply it.
Advice is a form of nostalgia, dispensing it is a way of fishing the past from the disposal, wiping it off, painting over the ugly parts and recycling it for more than it’s worth.

But trust me on the sunscreen…


audrey at 22:49

Just like the Sunscreen Song

Not that i like being nostalgic or soppy, but I just can't help it today.

Today, I read a blog belonging a secondary school friend and somehow, I ended up feeling really depressed. I feel sad because I can'tbe there for my friend. She doesn't stay in SG anymore and "being there" generally means that I will need to cross an ocean, a continent and then some.

Yea, yea...i don't seem like the type to "be there" for people..but, you'd be surprised to know that there are a handful people that I do genuinely care about. Not that I don't care about the other people in my life. But then, there are people that you do care more about, aren't there?

I mean, let's face many people are there in your current social network that you consider to be your real friends? The type that you know won't just dump you at the drop of a hat. How many are "hi-bye" friends? Friends that you will outgrow in the same way you outgrow an interest? Friends that are important now because they fit into your current way of life? Friends without ulterior motives? Friends who go the extra mile because they genuinely care about you, and not because it's "the thing to do"? Friends that you can call up in the middle of the day or night and who will comfort you just to make you feel better?

Call me a cynical person, but it's not easy making friends as you grow older and that's why it's so important that you keep in contact with the ones that you made when you were younger.

My friend said, at times, she feels friendless. And in a similar way, so do i sometimes.

Why are so many of my favourite people separated from me by a bunch of land masses and oceans?!!!!


audrey at 16:14

3 lamb droppings

Sunday, March 18, 2007

Hermit Crabs's Sunday and I've got time to spare before heading out to DXO this evening..And yes, this post also bears testimony to the fact that I made it through the movie alone alive.

So, how does watching a movie alone feel?


Know what the strange thing was? I actually enjoyed the movie alone more than if I watched it with friends. I guess, when you watch a movie with someone (or maybe this is just a girl thing), you'd be sharing popcorn, and drinks and whatever else. So, through the movie, you'd be passing stuff around, wondering if the other person wants to have what you are eating and so on.

While it's good to share, it's also distracting!

Well, anyway..i enjoyed myself the other day and here are some tips to watching a movie alone..should you care for it, that is.

1. Do not be late. It's difficult to navigate to your seat when it's all dark and the floorlights are very old and dim, making it next to impossible to identify your seat row/number. It's also too embarrassing to ask.

2. Choose an aisle seat. You don't have to squeeze through a big bunch of people, and is also easier to leave when you're done. It's not that fun being forced to watch the credits roll alone.

3. Do not be greedy; do not buy too much food. You need hands to push open the cinema doors and pull down the seat. Hanging on to your bag, your sweater, your ticket, your drink and popcorn all at the same time may prove too much for you.

4. Do not watch sob movies. It's weird to walk out of the cinema alone with swollen bloodshot eyes. There is nobody around for you to pretend bullied you.

5. Buy your ticket early. Just so you get to choose your seat.

Come on, step out of your shell a little bit. Of course it's not easy, and of course it's a little bit scary the first time round. It did take me 24 years afterall.

The question is, how long will it take YOU?


audrey at 14:59

5 lamb droppings

Friday, March 16, 2007

300, here I come!

I just did something really out of the ordinary...I booked myself a movie ticket to watch myself.

I have always wanted to try watching a movie alone. And finally, I'm going to do it!

First things first, IT'S NOT LOSER TO WATCH A MOVIE BY YOURSELF!!!! Just in the same way it's okay to eat by yourself.

Very sad, very pathetic to watch movie alone meh??

In the first place, you're not supposed to talk in the bringing a partner just to sit next to you is redundant. Maybe the partner is useful when you walk into the cinema, and wait for the never-ending advertisements to end and also to (perhaps) keep you warm, but other than that, how does a partner enhance your cinematic experience?

Definitely not by contributing a running commentary when the movie has started.

Neither can I appreciate someone asking what-did-i-miss-when-i-was-in-the-toilet questions.

So, really..shouldn't watching a movie alone be a better experience?

Anyway, i'm really quite excited and proud of myself. Maybe this is another sign that i've grown older? :D


audrey at 15:58

1 lamb droppings

Mobile phones are bad for you

I was on the train home the other day, after the bloody XR flew an another aeroplane on me and I happened to overhear a conversation this guy had with his daughter (i presume) over his mobilephone.

Apparently, the girl wanted to stay over at a friend's (i presume bf) house and the father wouldn't hear of it.

The conversation was in chinese, but for simplicity's sake and by virtue of the fact that I don't know how to type in chinese...i've reproduced it in English.


Father: I don't care! It's only sevenish can take the bus home. So what if the journey is long? I don't care, i expect to see you at home in your bed tonight. I'm not going to waste more breath on talking to you. Bye!

*hangs up phone while girl is still protesting*

*phone rings*

*father rejects call*

*phone rings for a 2nd time*

Father: HARLOW!! What? I already said I want to see you home tonight!
(At this point, I think the daughter said that the friend and family had already cooked dinner/set up sleeping arrangements etc and so it wouldn't be nice if she left now) Don't worry, I will talk to your friend's parents to tell them I want you to come home. I know where your friend stays and I will go to their house to talk to the parents. It's okay, you stay right there. I will go over later.

*father slams down phone and OFFS IT and doesn't turn it on again*


Power right?!!
I was so impressed. If i were his kid, i'd be like freaking out like crazy thinking that my enraged father is coming to my friend's house to get me.


I pity the kid though. I think she is going to grow up with some major issues and need to sit in a reclining chair in a clinic for at least 10 years of her adult life.


audrey at 12:36

1 lamb droppings

Thursday, March 15, 2007

Le MacBook

Ok, i can't tahan!!!!
Twain's Macbook just arrived at the office and the whole world has decided to congregate at his desk to watch him peel off the packaging.

The bloody thing is FREAKING CHIO!!!!
And only around $2K.


I want a MacBook oso!!!

I'm sorry Michelle...but gimme, gimme, gimme a Mac over a Vaio anyday.


audrey at 18:43

4 lamb droppings

Unsolicited Attention

I hate my working place.

I hate it because it's located in a very ulu place and the building is damn old and looks like a factory. But the real reason why I don't like it is because opposite my building is the Las Vegas Nightclub.

Between 7 - 8pm, you will see the working girls make their way there.
These girls are damn chio, i tell you.

Long legs, hour glass figures with short, short, SHORRRRRT skirts and revealing tops.
Anyway, at times when i work OT (yes, i DO OT every now and then), I need to cross the road to grab a cab home.

Wah lao. Work until after 9pm, don't expect me to take MRT and bus home hor!

Anyway, i have to cross the road to the other side because, for some very annoying reason, the other side is where all the cabs are.

The other side is also the Las Vegas Nightclub is located.

Earlier on this week, i stayed back in the office to do work and as usual, waited on the other side of the road for a cab to go home.

Guess what?!

A stupid car stopped in front of me, and the driver rolled down his window to ask if i wanted a lift anywhere.

The fucking idiot thought I was a streetwalker!
Godamnit. Young man somemore.

And man, he was persistent. Even after i told him no, he asked at least 2 times more!

Urgh. Disgusting. And I wasn't even dressed indecently. WTF.


Come to think of it, I really wonder how do some girls (normal girls, not prostitutes) handle such unsolicited male attention. I hate it when i catch guys oogling blatantly at me.

I'm not saying that I think i look like Miss Universe, but testosterone does do that to men. And I absolutely hate the attention.

Anyway, some girls purposely dress up for such attention, and i just cannot understand why. I mean, can't these girls tell that all the oogling men are interested in is getting into their panties????!! How can they stand men hitting on them all day?

Or are they just so stupid that they think men who stare are really interested in them as a person, and not just their body?

To put it bluntly, some of these girls just enjoy giving 1st class views to men. FOC, of course.

I just don't get it. Why are they aiming for quantity when they should be more concerned with quality?


audrey at 10:59

6 lamb droppings

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Attack of the Cheena people

Was on the train to work this morning and being extremely late (i took the 9.15am train from woodlands lor!), the train was relatively vacant.

I sat down opposite 2 very articulate Uni girls on their way to school.
As you all know, Singaporeans have this very irritating tendency to group people. You are either Cheena or Ang Mo Pai. Ah Beng/Ah Lian or Nerd/Shu Dai Zi.

As if we all so clearly fall into those predefined categories.

Anyway, these 2 girls were obviously "Ah Mo Pai"...and one of them was complaining about how Cheena some of her coursemates were and how they would use Singlish to ask the lecturer questions.

What's wrong with Singlish? I happen to really like Singlish. Why can't a person ask questions in Singlish? Does it mean that someone who speaks Singlish is necessarily more stupid than someone who speaks perfect English?

True, certain phrases like the "hor" and the "har" do sound like the braying noises a donkey would make, but overall, i think Singlish is very cool! It's something truly Singaporean...and only someone who has been living in Singapore for many many years can speak Singlish properly.

Have you ever heard a foreigner attempt to speak Singlish? They can't manage it, no matter how hard they try! Because unlike establish languages such as English, Chinese and whatnot, there are no proper rules for Singlish. You can't learn Singlish. You can only get "infected" by it after you have lived in Singapore for many, many years.

For example, "lah", "loh" and "leh" have no particular meaning on their own except to add emphasis to the sentence, but yet, they cannot exactly be used interchangeably.

See the subtle differences between the 2 sentences below?

1. Don't like that leh!
2. Don't like that lah!

The 2nd sentence conveys a greater feeling of irritation than the 1st.

And definitely, you cannot go "Don't like that loh!"

So, why the labeling? Is a Cheena person of less value than an Ang Mo Pai person? Is a person's value directly related to his/her level of education or his atas-ness?

And why is being Chinese, (or cheena, if you must) something to be embarassed about?

People like those 2 Uni girls annoy me. And despite all their years of education, and for all their articulacy, i am inclined to think that they are very, very stupid.
Stupid in the same way that the barbaric white men condemned the Red Indians for being uncivilized while enslaving them.

Those stupid elitist bananas. Bah.


audrey at 11:54

16 lamb droppings

Monday, March 12, 2007

empty pockets

I am a very happy person.

It has been quite a while since i was so efficient in shopping and spending money; I actually felt like i was a tourist in Singapore.

Not very good lah...since my money is very limited in supply.

If you didn't know...i'm a "slow buyer". I need to sit on my decision for a while, walk to and fro from 1 shop to another for like 3 hours before going back to the 1st shop to make my purchase.

Yes, it drives JP nuts...but i think he has gotten used to it already.
Besides, he doesn't really go shopping with me.

Yday, I managed the incredible feat of buying 4 pairs of shoes, 1 dress and a skirt in the span of 1.5 hours. Time includes smoke breaks, walking from one shopping centre to another as well as bubble tea. heh.

I bought a pair of shoes from Nine West, another one from Itti & Otto (which i hereby declare my new favourite brand), and 2 other pairs of cheapo shoes.

Okay lah..damage for the 2 hours is approximately $300.

Yeah, yeah...i bite my shoes. I nibbled at all of them. wahahahahaha.
Better safe than sorry ma...

Oh, and wanna know what's the difference between a $200 and a $80 shoe?

The packaging.

The cheaper brand just dumps your shoes into the box. The expensive one compartmentalizes the shoe box and stuffs it full of paper so the shoes inside the box won't move around.

After you remove the shoe from the box, will have the imprint of the shape of the shoe left behind de lor.

And just in case you were wondering, I paid for all my purchases myself. :P


audrey at 11:11

0 lamb droppings

Friday, March 09, 2007

An apology on differing and problematic opinions

I actually wanted to write something more about gays, Christianity and religion since on retrospect, my intentions may not be accurately reflected in the writing of my last post...but in view of some of my readers' very delicate sensitivities, I have decided against it, for now.

Religion is a very sensitive topic and most people tend to view any questions about their faith as accusations, and/or blasphemy. Very few people are able to handle questions about religion calmly and/or objectively (maybe with the exception of priests) so i'll leave the discussion alone for the time being.

I don't want my friends to go "offline" the minute I start talking to them on MSN just because we have differing opinions on religion.

But I WILL come back to it again someday...the philosophy of religion is too interesting to just leave alone just like that!

I do hope that all of you who read this blog know that most of what is written here are my opinions. It should also be understood that I am not obligated to do any thorough research (or any research at all) before I make a post, especially if I already stated in a post that those are just my opinions. This is just a blog, for goodness sake, not some academic research paper!

Besides, I do not believe that anyone reading anything on this blog is so stupid enough to take everything I say as a fact.

Opinion - a belief or judgment that rests on grounds insufficient to produce complete certainty.

Fact - a truth known by actual experience or observation; something known to be true

Since i am very free with expressing my opinion, I welcome the comments of people who disagree with what I write. However, I do hope that when people comment, they do so objectively, and without their claws drawn.

No emotional outbursts please. They add no value in proving a point, and the only purpose they serve is to annoy me.

Lastly, I would like to apologise to any of you who, having read the "Arguments go in circles" post, have gotten offended. It is not my intention to accuse, but rather to question.
As such, if you guys know the reason why a Christian cannot be gay, (or a gay cannot be Christian), pls let me know.


audrey at 11:26

2 lamb droppings

Thursday, March 08, 2007

salsa burnout

Somehow, these days, all I seem to be doing is just work, gym and salsa. I scarcely have enough to do anything else. And that sucks. My room is in a mess, i'm not spending quality time with anyone in particular. Not even my dog. No wonder im in a bad mood most of the time.

And coming to think about it...salsa has taken up alot of my time, as well as a big chuck of resources. Think i have spent at the very very least 1.1K on it already.

I could have used this money to buy like, another LV bag. Or taken my bike license and bought a old 2nd hand bike. Or have used it to pay for my airfare to UK. Or gone on another 2 beach holidays in neighbouring countries. Or permed & colored my hair another 4 times. Or top up $200 and bought myself a Tag Heuer watch.

Ok, don't want to speculate further on what i could have done with my money anymore..heart pain only. But anyway, i've decided to stop all salsa lessons from now on.

Salsa is really fun...but honestly, if you stop dancing for just a few weeks, you will find that your skills have turned rusty. Can you imagine if you stopped dancing for 3 months? Your 1K+ investment would have just gone down the drain.

JP says i should just look at salsa as a form of entertainment...and stop counting my dollars and cents. But that's so easy for him to say, since he's already earnt back what he dumped in for classes (and more!) from all the investments he's done for the salsa people. For me, it's like i just dumped money in the sea...gone!


And on top of that...that's all i seem to be doing anymore nowadays. Seems like at least 1 or 2 days of the week MUST be spent at Union. Sigh.

How come salsa seems more and more like something that i need to do, rather than something that i like to do?



audrey at 10:56

4 lamb droppings

more of krabi

As are some of the other photos from Krabi.

Sorry...working from home and on an iMac..can't figure out how to quickly resize the i just left them in their original size. :P


p/s: Margaret, are you happy now? :P


audrey at 00:34

1 lamb droppings

Wednesday, March 07, 2007

Arguments that go in circles

Sorry for the lack of updates.
Been working on something else recently which is taking much of my time as well as my creative juices to blog much lately.
Besides, nothing much really pissed me off recently, with the exception of MR YL!

Anyway, was just chatting with Mich a few days ago and we were talking about gays and Christianity.


**Ok, pls stop reading here if you are a stauch Christian. I don't want to die and I don't want you to stop talking to me. If you must read, pls do not bombard me with angry comments and/or phonecalls. This is just my opinion.


Moving on...

Did you know that it's against Christian religion to be gay?

I just can't believe it.
Not that I am pro-gay or anything, but how can it unchristian to be gay???

When I say gay, I am not talking about those teenage wannabe butches or lesbians or sissies who discover that they like people of the same sex when they are in secondary school. I am talking about those people who are born gay. The little boys who wear skirts and play with barbie dolls and the little girls who are only interested in GI Joes and whacking people on the head.

Anyway, you can't be Christian if you are gay, since it's against the religion to be gay.
I find that it's so sad and so ridiculous at the same time.

It's not like that they purposely are gay, they just happened to be suay suay born that way. They can't help liking people of the same sex.
I just cannot understand the logic of the Church.

Maybe my understanding of Christianity is severely limited, but seriously...this is like one of those "If you do not believe in Christ, you will not be saved/go to Hell" kind of things.

I mean, shouldn't all things natural should be in accordance with God's will? Natural as in the original way they were upon conception. So why is it wrong?

I just don't get it. Sometimes, I just can't help but feel that many so called absolute truths put forth by the church are based on circular arguments.

If you didn't know, circular arguments are arguments that are logically valid but yet provides no reason at all to believe it's conclusion.

Here's a sample of a circular argument.

"The Bible says God exists, and the Bible must be right since it is the revealed word of God, so God exists."

Or are you just confused now? hehehehe.


audrey at 11:22

3 lamb droppings