Sunday, October 30, 2005

a pudge pie...

I feel fat.


Damnit. Why do i feel fat?!

Maybe because I gorged myself all afternoon on yummy chocolate truffle, mango pudding, movenpick ice-cream, durian a-pong, bread pudding and all the other good stuff at Goodwood Park Hotel's high tea.

God, after eating so much, i know for sure that ...

I am fat.

The Mac, Mos, BK, LJS and KFC have all got to go. And no more truffles.



audrey at 23:47

2 lamb droppings

Saturday, October 29, 2005


Ever wonder how is it that some people don't seem to care whether there is anyone really listening to what they are long they get to say it?

Recently, I've been on the receiving end of quite a bunch of unsolicited and unwelcomed comments and information. Really, when you are the one doing all the can get pretty hard on you. It's difficult to not listen when you are supposed to listen. Because there is someone expending effort to make a point, there is an obligation to listen. And naturally, I'm too polite to totally ignore the person or outright tell him/her to shut the hell up. I'm just not so rude...even though you are tempted to physically tape their mouth shut


Anyhow...this brings me to the question of whether there is a point to saying anything (or continue talking) if you know that the other party is just plain not interested in whatever you have to say.

Obviously, if you continue talking, the recipient is likely to do any of the following:

1. Tell you to shut up
2. Argue
3. Space out (mentally trying to block out the noise)
4. physically turn away

In any of the above, definitely, the recipient has stopped listening. So, if there's no one to listen...who am i talking to? And exactly, what is the point of saying anything at all then?

We speak because we want someone to listen to what we have to say. Yet, many people continue to talk even when there is nobody there to care. At this point, anything that comes out is just considered noise.

Just plain, lousy, irritating noise.

The exchange is only one-way..but amazingly, people tend to ignore and deny the signs that the other party has stopped listening.

So, if i ever make noise...just tell me ok? No point wasting saliver with no benefits.


audrey at 02:19

2 lamb droppings

Saturday, October 22, 2005

Rainy days...

It's been raining consistently over the last few days...and which I am certain, has contributed significantly to my cold and melancholy mood.

For those who fear and/or detest long rambly posts about nothing, i would encourage you to stop reading right now. Becuz this is one of those days when being bored out of your mind makes you nostalgic and somewhat melancholy (the rain helped, somewhat). Yes, i'm bored out of my mind and therefore nostalgic and hence blogging.

Today's a technically, it's the happiest day of the week...being the start of the weekend. Yet, why does it feel so much like the beginning of the end?

Think it all started when i gave mich my namecard this evening. It felt surreal. It finally hit me that i have officially entered adulthood...and that means no more excuses. No more zao-ing, no more "I had no idea", no more "whatevers".

Shit. How did the funnest part of my life pass me by, and I not know it?

I always thought it was cool to have your own namecard, but now that i have my own...they just remind me of the death of my adolescence and school days. In the past, there was always someone to take responsibility for me. In school, my teachers were the ones entrusted with the task of making me learn. At home, my parents were to nurture and provide for me until I grew my own wings.

But the thing is, how did i manage to miss the sprouting of my own wings??!

It really sucks to know that if i don't succeed in life, it's only because of me. Not because of circumstances, nor others...but myself.

That's pretty shitty if you ask me...and a damn lousy way to feel at the start of the weekend.


audrey at 00:19

3 lamb droppings

Wednesday, October 19, 2005

double standards

I always find it amazing how people manage to pick out the faults of others, but fail to recognize the same fault in themselves. It is just so unbelievably amazing...and annoying.

While I am quite sure i am guilty of this...i am not sure what double standards do i practice?? Anyone care to tell me? i promise to keep an open mind.

I guess it will be a very bitter pill to swallow if you were blasting someone off for something...only to have someone else tell you that you do the same thing too. I guess nobody would ever admit to themselves that the very thing that pisses them of is inherent in them too.

Such is life...


audrey at 21:19

0 lamb droppings

An Unfair World

Why do so many people condemn people who are not heterosexual??? I just don’t get it.

Not that I am bi or gay or whatever, but I just dun quite think that discriminating against people because of their sexual orientation is quite right.

First off, I think it should be pretty clear that many homosexuals didn’t choose to be gay/lesbian, but rather, are just born into it. I believe it’s quite a shitty thing to be born into a wrong body…don’t you?

Can you just imagine being born in the body of the opposite sex and if you do something about it, society condemns you? Not that there’s nothing you can do about it, but just about everyone would hate you if you did.

Is it so wrong to just be yourself? I don’t think it’s wrong at all.

While it may not be the norm to be homosexual, it doesn’t mean that the majority is always right.

This is exactly like the ridiculous hello kitty syndrome…where everybody queues because everyone else is queuing. How silly.

To discriminate against is very easy. Just mix up some truth with lots of rumors and common opinion and there you have it.


audrey at 10:17

0 lamb droppings

Monday, October 17, 2005

Want to set up top study campus can, but must abide to laws of PAP

This is an interesting post as posted on the Financial Times online.


Warwick votes against Singapore campus

Warwick lecturers vote against Singapore campus
By John Burton in Singapore
Published: October 14 2005 11:57 | Last updated: October 14 2005 11:57

Senior lecturers at Warwick University in the UK have voted against setting up a branch campus in Singapore due to worries about limits on academic freedom, dealing a possible setback to the city-state's ambitions to become a regional hub for higher education.

Singapore requires international educational institutions operating in the city-state to agree not to conduct activities seen as interference in domestic affairs.

The lopsided 27-13 “no” vote by Warwick's senate this week is believed to be the first time a foreign university has rejected the conditions set by Singapore. Although the vote is non-binding, it is likely to put pressure on the university council to abandon the Singapore plan when it makes a final decision on October 18.

Warwick and Australia's University of New South Wales are the only two foreign universities selected by Singapore's Economic Development Board to set up a full-scale campus.

The city-state has succeeded in attracting smaller schools operated by several top institutions, including Insead and the University of Chicago Graduate Business School, in an effort to triple the number of university students to 150,000 in the next decade.

The Warwick vote came as the outgoing US ambassador to Singapore warned in a farewell speech that Singapore's limits on expression might cause the government to “pay an increasing price for not allowing full participation of its citizens”.

Faculty and students at Warwick have questioned the costs of the nearly £300m ($525m) project and the university's ability to attract quality students and staff to the Singapore campus. But much of the criticism has focused on limits on academic freedom and civil liberties, including curbs on gay rights and high execution rates for criminals.

Warwick recently sent a letter to EDB asking that its students in Singapore be exempt from strict laws limiting freedom of assembly, speech and the press, and the removal of bans on homosexuality and certain religious practices on campus.

It also sought guarantees that staff and students would not be punished by the Singapore government for making academic-related comments that might be seen “as being outside the boundaries of political debate”. EDB said it would not comment.

The demand that the Singapore campus enjoy the same degree of academic freedom as in the UK came in response to an advisory report by Thio Li-ann, a law professor at the National University of Singapore, which said freedom of “speech is permissible as long as it does not threaten real political change or to alter the status quo”.

She warned that “the government will intervene if academic reports cast a negative light on their policies” but said the presence of Warwick in Singapore could “serve as an impetus for continued liberalisation”.

Guys, looks like another GOOD university is going to the sewers.

The Masterpiece


Mr_Mimosa at 16:08

0 lamb droppings

Sunday, October 16, 2005


Went to momo on friday...and boy, being sober at a club is quite an experience. You must be wondering, being the alchoholic that i am, why the hell am i sober in a club on a friday night..well, thats another story for another time.

Anyway...I realised that half of the people who go to clubs are there not to enjoy the music, get high on booze nor to enjoy the good company of their friends, but rather are there to look cool..and try to be cool. Note that i use the word "try". Well, fyi...they are not.

In fact, most of them look damn hilarious..bordering on the stupid. Ladies in ridiculous clothes, try to look sexy and wiggling around like squids on fire..Hai. Cant someone just do them a favour and tell them that if they are in a low cut and relatively sophisticated dinner dress, the last thing on earth they should be doing is to dirty dance. I cannot understand why some ladies like to dirty dance. Firstly, it looks terribly cheap and slutty so why anyone would want to achieve something like that? Secondly, it doesn't look good. Third, wearing a dinner dress and going low are just two things that don't go together.

Man oh man, the things some Singaporeans do.


audrey at 17:42

0 lamb droppings

Tuesday, October 11, 2005

Once an ACSian, always an ACSian

Boss was telling us how the number of Acsians easily outnumbered the others in all our offices combined (at least 75% of the staff were Acsians).

Tomolo, boss will bring in a flag and tape recording of the school anthem while we will stand in line once again to commemorate and relive the ACSian spirit, singing aloud once again the school anthem every ACSian so proudly endorsed.


In days of yore from western shores
Oldham dauntless hero come
And planted a beacon of truth and light
in this island of the main
Here may it stands from year to year
emblem of grand endeavour
We stand together for the cause of ACS forever

Sing ACS forever more
Our ACS forever
We stand together for the cause of ACS forever

Our students hail from China's plain
And the land of Rising Sun
We have many son's from India's Straits
and the island of the main
Our hearts our hopes our aims are one
No discord e'ver will sever
We stand together for the cause of ACS forever

Boy, I could still remember the words and the rhythm of the music ever softly replaying itself in my mind.

The Masterpiece


Mr_Mimosa at 17:56

0 lamb droppings

Thursday, October 06, 2005

Cheated, Chopped, Condemned and Clemency!!!

Recently the sad case of an Indian taxi driver standing trial for murdering his cheating wife got my attention. Now, this wife of his admitted to cheating her husband and even got pregnant with the other bugger. So is it right to say that the husband who chopped her at the last resort, did indeed have the final say? Imagine your wife not telling you where she went, not answering your calls and lies at every opportunity for a rendezvous outside and then comes home saying, “yes that’s chilli sauce around my mouth but I didn’t have any chilli!!!”

The husband is a very patient man and I admire his kind of endeavor to slu*s like her. It is every right to say he has induced pathological jealousy at the point of killing. Not having sex for 4 mths then coming home pregnant while the husband and kid waited, demanding answers. So I would understand the kind of frustrations the husband had, especially when he has caught her acts and she being in total denial (i.e., some women could really play a fool and a fool, where only the fool will be fooled).

Was at the company R&R a few days back, had an interesting conversation. Apparently my counterparts in China cited USD$200 (plus extra USD$50 to put one more into the groin to make sure if requested) to put a bullet through the heads of the people you hate. Disposal is free as they use the body as coal for the fires. In Thailand, it costs only $300 Singaporean dollars to finish you off while an extra $100 ensured no proper records of your disappearance is filed. Foreigners are cheaper as the country censors your presence in the country when $$ is put under the tables, locals would cost more as their roots are intact within the country.

So, what do you guys think? Husband cheats wife (WRONG!), Wife cheats husband (Activist says: “We must be fair, men have contributed more and they must be dealt with more severely while we women as the softer one between the sexes, will only need to be reprimanded and be in rehab, learning our mistakes, but of course we also want what the every man gets as other than capital punishments! MORE POWER TO US!!!!)

So, Women out there, power to you as always requested, no matter you being an infidel or not.

The Masterpiece


Mr_Mimosa at 16:38

0 lamb droppings