Thursday, August 25, 2005
I'd just like to announce to everyone who actually drops by to read my rubbish, that me and Mr mimosa will be taking a
4 day hiatus to Bangkok this weekend... :D
Anyway, I just read Mr Mimosa's post and decided that I
had to chip in my two cents worth..Couldn't very well let womenkind go undefended, can i?
First, in case there are those who have no idea what the
Women's Charter is, it is an Act that was passed in 1961 to provides the legal basis for equality between husband and wife. Basically, the essence of the act is as follows
(pardon me for the cut and paste..I won't deny that im just lazy):
- makes polygamy illegal;
- recognises the wife's right to a different domicile (this means legal residence or home) from her husband;
- gives equal rights and duties to both husbands and wives in the management of the home and children;
- makes it obligatory for a husband to maintain his wife and children during marriage and after divorce;
- entitles the divorced man or wife to a share of matrimonial assets;
- enables a battered spouse to gain protection from the perpetrator;
- provides the punishment for offences against women and girls.
So, in fact...despite it's misnomer, the Women's Charter
does protect the rights of men as well.
In my humble opinion, I really do
not think that a Men's Charter is needed at all at
this point in time. As of now, the social, economic and corporate achievements of men far outweigh those of women.
It is a known fact that equality between the sexes does not exist at the moment. I am also of the opinion that there will
never be equality between in the sexes in the future, simply because of the way men and women are built. However, I
do think that there will be
equal opportunity in the future.
So while it is undeniable that men do get raped (unbelievable as it may seem), the number of women being accosted still far outnumbers the men. Moreover, given the current social status of women and the dominant position of men, the protection extended by this Act ensures that women are able to claim what is rightfully theirs.
(This of course says nothing about women who abuse the system by calling wolf...but that's another story for another day.)
Talking politics makes me tired...i guess i'll continue this another...if i ever. Alternatively, someone could help me finish my tirade. Haha...
I'll be going now...I'll see u guys again in a few days. Cheerio!
audrey at 00:12
Wednesday, August 24, 2005
Is marriage a contract to legalised and permissible cohabitation?
First off, I have decided against calling myself god, good reason being I wouldn’t be considered as a deity and neither I would want to be associated with the dead.From this very moment, I will thus be identified as THE MASTERPIECE.
Is marriage a contract to legalised and permissible cohabitation? Now let us air our views on the above mentioned topic. I was rather amused but left interested by the message name left by one of my friend on his MSN messenger.Now, this friend of mine is married for 3 years till date (to of course, a beautiful and understanding lady) and it is questionable as to doubt him on his views on marriage whereas he could be as uncertain as I am. This is indeed cynical to hear from someone who made sure his wedding vows followed him till death, be that death till us part. This is perhaps of a series of fateful events, I shall conclude that has led him to how he is feeling and thinking now.Monogamy, there was indeed a topic and comments not too long ago on this blog. Let me throw in my $1 million dollar worth. What are the expectations that women generally look for when they choose suitable men for marriages? It is ascertain that most men (although not all) would eventually choose not to abide the rule of having just one partner (sexual too), with the intention of seeking “readdress” outside and somewhere else. It is also definite (or rather) to say that, even though he could be reassuring to you physically; that you would have presumed his soul and mind to be too. This kind of conceptualisation would only be of significance in the eyes of the foolish. As the monopolisation of Skinapour is seen advancing through the “effectual” Pappies, more so we are to witness for ourselves the collapse ultimately of the monogamy structure. As men and women get exposed to more and more western ethics, cultures and values, it is therefore to anticipate that the polygamy will be in due course, the solution to an immoral society which has yet to surface fully. As I can concur, marriages were once intended to protect women. It has rather, progressed to the current phase to witness the growing affluences of women and that they might stand side by side with men, asking for equalities and stipulations. So may I ask, why are men excluded (and not given a charter too? We could get raped too!)? If this is so, surely the practice of egalitarianism should therefore be acknowledged. Men could cheat, women would too (only being more careful). It would only be fair if our society practices fairness in all, but sad to say, with the pappies in control, only the elites would fly that plane together when the country experiences dire consequences (as a result of losing its own identity, Singapore? More like the next upcoming state for America; “Singamericana”). So why is marriage a contract to legalised and permissible cohabitation? If you were to assume, when the practice of marriages would indefinitely involve deceive, “monopoly” but at the same time as women and men conveyed, the desire to hanker after “additional sustainability and reinforcement”; that if all fails, we sleep in a different room with another tonight. This is ridiculous. I am for Monogamy. Why? I’ll tell you why next time. I love the person I am with concurrently so there is not a need to seek bearings with another. Why have noodles outside or bring them home when beef is cooked, ready and tasty at home. CheersThe Masterpiece
Mr_Mimosa at 14:54
Sunday, August 21, 2005
sitting on the fence
Hi all and sundry,
I realise that mr mimosa is not as welcomed here as i hoped he would be. Ah well, to each his own i guess.
I'd like to reiterate that i do not take any responsiblity for anything he says (although i can apologise on his behalf)and we are separate entities...but the thing is, he's my bf and
he's here to stay on my blog.
I know some of his posts are quite offensive...but i cannot control what he writes or how he thinks. Neither will i boot him off my blog because blogging is all about freedom of expression and
he's here to stay until he's ready to start his own or when he tires of blogging. Whichever one comes first.
So please, try be patient or skip reading altogether. I guess you could say im
sitting on the fence but seriously, what's a girl to do?
As for what i want, i guess time will only tell whether we will be together forever. Sounds cliche, but
until he proves otherwise, he's here to stay.
audrey at 22:15
I am a peasant
The time has come again for the god to blog…
Today’s topic:
Just today, one well known bank in Skinapour pulled a quick one on the god, thus resulting in a local ‘black’ peasant, whom was unable to offer his offerings on time. This Post Own Sh*t Bank is not only ran by a group of peasants, but is too ‘co-owned’ by the white pappies, whom have ensured their ‘god-like; status by reassuring that peasants like you lot would have a place to park your pathetic amount of money, so as to also make the pappies lifes’ more enjoyable by spending that amount from you building gold taps nearby their kennels.
Apparently news has gone around because the pappies remarkably, could tame another overweight black pappy to help them with their image to you peasants. This is as sad for the peasants as they will contemplate another “ MORE GOOD YEARS” to come…
Now off this topic, apparently what the god has written previously hasn’t got into some of the peasants’ heads, one particular name springs to mind, as of the name A-cup (i.e., the B**** with the small boobs). Now muffin has alerted the god also on some other peasants talking behind his back.
Now the god condones such kid-like behavior but the god understood that it is hard to expect too much from a population full of peasants, let alone ask them to read, write and think as most of the peasants' communication and thinking were done ars* to ar*e.
The god has to once again emphasised, “If the peasants do not like the vineyard sanctuary here, they can just FO”. God never considers stupidity head on and the sight of peasants (i.e., by it peasants with A-cups, peasants with mouths in their as*** or peasants talking agricultures and poultries here) is such a sight to behold that perhaps, he is exultant to be able to help these sorry souls.
So, go on, respect the god or FUC* OFF!!!
Mr_Mimosa aka God of Bloggers(Remember no matter what, peasants belonged to somebody)
Mr_Mimosa at 04:32
Saturday, August 20, 2005
Mental gymnastics
As you ppl can see, i have reverted my blog interface back to its default of, what mr mimosa calls,
gay lime green. Well..the html shit just didn't work for me so until i figure out how to do it, my site is going to stay
I also decided that working
12 days straight does not exactly agree with my body. I get
depressed toward the end. Yes, I
do occasionally get depressed. It's not easy for me to
stay depressed though because i consider being depressed a form of
self-torture. If you can psych yourself out of a cranky mood, why not? Why stay unhappy (and make the rest of the ppl who are with you suffer as well) when you can play some mind-games with yourself and instantly feel better?
I think i sometimes play too many mind-games with myself for my own good. Sometimes, i think some people should just be given a good hiding. Sometimes, I want to just slap certain assholes and dickheads across the face. I just want to laugh in the face of the pompous and obnoxious just to show them how ridiculous they are. Sometimes, I just feel like telling every single person to F off. But most of the time, i just play along. Why? Life's easier this way. I guess the only problem is that occasionally, you feel as if you are being walked all over just like a freaking doormat.
I just can't understand why some people go all out to prove to others that they are right..and that others are wrong. Who cares?
My philosophy is, just do it. Then find some sneaky way to side-track and get what you want. Who cares what the means is if u can get to the end?
In anycase, I'd like to apologise for sounding so cynical and cranky...because that's exactly how im feeling right now. And FYI, it's not pms. This is just how missbeh is when she's in a bad mood.
audrey at 00:42
Friday, August 19, 2005
test test
Hi all...
pls forgive me...i've been messing around with stuff im not good at. As you can see, the interface is different but there are so many freaking bad links. Any help from any one??? Fuck. I can't even get my name to show up.
audrey at 00:49
Tuesday, August 16, 2005
RE: Sorry but I preferred rotten eggs...
The god has been quite amused recently judging from the replies from his fans, it seems that everyone had something to say and the majorities have actually wanted to induce and have bearings as to how muffin should choose her soul-mate and how she should be in person.
The god hasn’t been that particular pleased with several fledglings (e.g., A-cup, Bata; some anonymous Bit**). Apparently, several of them have been trying to sway, manipulate how other individuals should lead their lives, whom they should be seen with and go out, what they should say and do etc…
Now, all these do not go on too well, especially since these influences have been coming non-stop from a bunch of neophytes. The god is happy that despite all the plucky, audacious and spirited efforts to bend muffin towards the “dark side”, he’s delighted to say that muffin has chosen to stay on the right side of path.
Now, may the god pose a question to his fans... Why is it so difficult to accept what a friend preferred even though you might not agree with him/ her despite your own pathetic life experiences? There are individuals out there who have taken like a liking to fair bit of controversies in his/ her life. Does this mean axing him/ her out just because he or she don’t share similar or comparable viewpoints with you? Now, the god suggests these individuals to grow up. Not only the god is ashamed that such selfish and peculiar individuals live co-existent to those “willing to live their own life insights” individuals, these selfish hoi polloi are actually trying to dictate how those “I have my say!” individuals should conduct their lives.
The god has emphasised umpteen times that in order for peace and order in any social structure system (e.g.,. any culture, race, religion etc.), all should be tolerant to each and every individual; bearing in mind that not one individual is as analogous as another. There should absolutely be no bearings or resentments and all provocations and contests should be done in good sport. The line is only driven and crossed when confrontations go astray which led to those atypical individuals to go into other individuals’ lives and imposed decrees as to how this is so wrong and that is not correct.
The god has to say this, “There is a choice for whatever which an individual has chosen to lead, be it good or bad. The true meaning to these actions is only ever so bona fide to that certain individual whom of course, in some cases, puts off the indiscriminate opinions, standpoints of those around him/ her.”
Let live and let be instead than trying to position perspectives, notions and stances which the individual concerned would be so uncomfortable with, even without any preliminaries.
Thank You Fans
Mr_ Mimosa aka God of Bloggers
p/s: esther, hope you understood too! God is not angry with anyone. See you soon in the Saint Pete's mobile!
Mr_Mimosa at 02:46
Friday, August 12, 2005
quality control
Someone commented that I have no
quality control over the kinds of people i let into my life.
Quality control??
Wow...suddenly my bf, friends and aquaintences have all become
commodified. But well, I guess that comment does hold
some a
certain sense.
I'll admit that I am not the best judge of character around (I'll leave the psycho-analysis part to you, esther. hee!~) but i certainly
disagree with the quality control part.
I just cannot condone the
commodification and objectification of humans.Now...
how is it that we judge one person more equal than the other? On what and on who's criteria do we base our judgements on?
Our own??? That's awfully biased and terribly elitist, if you ask me. This kinda concept forms the foundation for
genocide. Yikes.
Maybe I
am better at school and have better qualifications...but does this place me in a better position to judge someone else (or anyone, for that matter)? Surely we each have our own forte so it's pretty unfair to say that
I am a better human than you...just because I say i am.
I've known my fair share of dickheads, bimbos, weirdos, lians, bengs, you name it...and dare say that my tolerance for the idiosyncracies of others have increased significantly over the years. But guess what?
Some of these so-called bitches and dicks turned out to be some of the truest friends in the end.I've dated since i was like, what, 13? And I guess
if the quality control statement should apply to anyone, it should be me. Yes, I've dated a whole bunch of guys who, in the eyes of many,
"cannot make it". But who's to say they "cannot make it"? Yeah...they may not have earned big bucks..neither were they likely to climb to the top of the corporate ladder...
But they did earn my admiration in many other ways. Besides, are such things like money and status really so important when you're 70 years old and all you want is someone to hold your hand?
Maybe he's an egoist but there are so many many other finer points that make up for that flaw. Just as i do not profess to be this perfect person, i similarly do not expect anyone, much less my sig. other, to be perfect. To look for perfection is to look for does not exist.
So maybe that's why I appear to have no QC...because i feel everyone deserves a chance.
Until they prove otherwise, that is.
audrey at 20:30
Monday, August 08, 2005
RE: SNAGs. Are you a victim?
Now, I am still waiting for worthy opponents to take on the GOD of BLOGGERS?
If there is nobody, I will smoke some out... for now.
Because of the level of erudition and the kind of childlike juveniles reading and commenting craps on this blog, I promise to write in AS SIMPLE AS ENGLISH WOULD BE TO A 5 YEAR OLD, this is to facilitate the effortless understanding of the mentioned discussions and for you all to correctly place your discernments. (Don’t worry, just this paragraph is a bit chim ah)..
Remember the god don’t talk to fools.
TOPIC: WOMEN ARE JUST TOOLS FOR SEXUAL PLEASURE (i.e., to SNAGs)You see, It kind of amuses me when I see SNAGs (i.e., not "real" men) offering to open doors, trying to act gentlemanly all because they wanted to create a desirable position and image to *ahem*, bed the wayward bit***s?
How many times have you girls encountered such a situation? Boy picks girl, Boy impresses girl, girl get swooned over, boy f*** girl, BOY DUMPS GIRL, girl gets angry, girl despises men, girl goes around giving the wrongful accusations and perceptions of men.
Now let me help out in this issue, first of all, the above scenario only applies to overly conscious girls whom has taken a liking to the femininely and placid version of us men. Now these "SNAGs" (Sensitive New Age Gays) are in a league of their very own. My take on them is simple, one word, "rats". Why, rats generally go doing their businesses in the dark, they usually sniff around for opportunities. Once they found what they are looking for, they go in for it, let's just say, steal it.
So why SNAGs = rats? Simple, they go in when girls are vulnerable (i.e., "ohhh, I want a guy whom would whisper sweet nothings and would help me carry my BAG".). WAKE UP! Real men would not ask whether you would like them to carry your bag, they just take 'em from you because real men respect women and they wouldn't be thinking of what they want in return. This might really sound "himboistic" but the true cause of it.
ahah, i'm seeing a few bobbling heads here, "hey what's with us liking SNAGs, they're so loveable!!!" WAKE UP! Whether or not gays are the SNAGs, they will play this sick game. Notice this, that SNAGs generally avoid people like me (i.e., an MCP), reason being they're petrified of facing us mainly we might or would expose their game.
Let me give you a simple rundown here:
SNAGs (Sensitive new age gays)
1) Generally helps out when you are in need and asking for something in return
2) Hates the “machoistic” men, citing reasons like, " So rough, always want to fight".
3) Generally would share your undergarments.
4) Tries really hard to be "Americanized".
5) Allows their mane and pride to be pricked by women, now here the rat behavior comes in, when you trust them, they steal it.
MCPs (Male Chauvinist Pigs) ---- Created by anti-MCPs Bit****
1) Never helps out (i.e., they do, but never ask for credits)
2) Hates the SNAGs, because they are in a midway transition, not man nor woman but with di** intact.
3) Would not even want to get near your undergarments.
4) Never tries to be ang mo pai, remembering that their godfathers are of an Asian ethnicity.
5) Never lets anyone ruffle their ego, because this is important, as without an ego is like the lion without its mane.
I WILL PERSONALLY NOW ISSUE A CHALLENGE TO ANYONE HERE WHOM COULD BRING ME A SNAG, MY RETURN TO YOU IS A SIDESHOW WHICH WOULD BE SO UNFORGETTABLE.oh, btw where are the residents’commentaries? Come on out and speak your mind. Let the god guide you along the way.
Next blog entry: Official commemoration of this blogspot, the Holy Shrine for the God of Bloggers. It's about time to spice up and wake this blogspot.
Signing off
Mr_ Mimosa (aka God of Blog)
“Remember, that I owned you”
Mr_Mimosa at 15:26
Sunday, August 07, 2005
I expect the people in here would support me
I need not to admit anything
I hit your raw nerve
It's about time to bow to the Legend Flaming Champion
For you lot have no skills and no class
Your fame to BLOG is totally making people laugh
Learn some new rhymes and perhaps start again
Or continue hiding in the shadows like a rat
For I am your Blogging Flaming Champion God
People that oppose me shall die a terrible death in here
So take heed, fool and watch what you say
Cause I can easily flame you left right centre anytime
At last wussies like you could come into here
I am kicking your ass like a clown
I expect such personal views are just craps
But you have too many issues not worthy of an arguement
Call yourself bloggers
Against the Legend Flaming Champion u suffer more than anyone
All my blogs are far much better than ur sordid candid ass
I bet you can only f**k
My gift of gap I use not to defame
I prefer to subtly put people in shame
Muffin (i.e., Audrey) and me (i.e., Mr Mimosa) are not the same
But the losers together we will tame
As for those, the one who has no name
Uncle Mimosa here does not play that game
The same few personal views brings one no fame
To conspire against one, I call it lame
If you are desirous of the limelight
then write your verses and show your might
but never let yourself lose sight that blogging right is an art and not for a fight
Jealousy is what i sense a blight
close to your heart you hold it tight
To attack another and call it delight is not the way of one who does them right
From jealousy, if you do not extricate
Blogging for an underpar is like masturb***
The name of champions or gods like me you desecrate
The beauty of the word you dissipate
So I leave you now to contemplate
For your own path, you must deliberate
Choose wisely and do not hesitate
One step wrong and it'll be too late
Now a sample of what I can do:
Do bloggers here conduct polls?
It's about time to tally the toll
I have won by a flopping mile
Now can we close the file?
Say after me just this one time"Mimosa is the King of Bloggers"
To lose graciously is not a crime
Even though I whupped you time after time.
You are one pathetic lump of sh*t
Devoid of talent and an iota of wit
Yet you think against me you can pit
To lick my ar** you are not fit
After all this whacking you learned nothing
Not a line of rhyme
I have heard you sing
You are only fit for violent arse-f**king
Maybe my dog's di*k you can be licking.
Victory over you is no big deal
A sense of triumph I do not feel
You are like s**t stuck to my heelSo bloody pissweak
it's almost unreal !
Thank You Mr Mimosa aka KING OF BLOGGERS (remember I OWNED you).
Mr_Mimosa at 00:35
In love, like or lust?
I was just is it possible for a person to fall out of love if he/she
really ever fell in love.
Doesn't make sense?
Lemme put it this way...we love our family..and no matter what shit our siblings do( believe me when i say my brothers are total asses but i still love 'em buggers), we'd still love them (this logic applies to me so im assuming it applies to the majority of the population). Sure, we might hate them for a good
looong while but we still love them in end anyway. extension of the same logic...
if we really fell in love with someone, we'd still love them no matter what.Well then, how is it that marriages don't work out and couples who swear their undying love and devotion to each other fall apart? The question thus remains, did they really love each other...or did they just think they were in love but were probably in like or lust (in my opinion, it's more likely the latter. haha) Shouldn't they just carry on loving each other after each nasty spat rather than split up? And even if they did split up, shouldn't they carry on loving each other since love is supposedly eternal? *Just in case you were wondering, I am of the opinion that you need not be together to love somebody. Love is NOT a zero-sum resource, in my humble opinion.*
Anyway...I guess the next most pertinent question would be...have I ever been in love?That's a good one.
And my million dollar answer is...I guess I've merely stepped on it a few times. (if i did, wouldn't i be married by now? I don't believe in giving my toys and stuff away for free, u know.)
maybe...we should just say "I like u and so totally lust for u" instead of "i love you" instead.
But that's so spoiler and totally trashes the mood...So i guess, I'd still stick to the good ol' fashioned " i love you".
So Mr Mimosa, I DO love very much too. :) Honest.
audrey at 00:15
guess who's here?
*drumroll please*
Announcing the latest addition to my most inane blog...
MR MIMOSA!!!p/s: i take no responsibility for ANYTHING he says. Period.*Applause*
audrey at 00:03
Saturday, August 06, 2005
K.O. !!!
I think my hedonistic ways and relentless pursuit of fun has finally caught up with me. For the past week, i have been popping Panadols like sweets everyday to get rid of my headaches..but today..well, i was out cold. I slept the whole day away. Literally. That's prob why i am blogging at this godforsaken hour.
FYI, there's this new (maybe not but i just discovered it, so it's pretty new to me) pill that
really gets rid of headaches fast. It works to rid tension it's pretty cool. It's quite strong you could OD with just 3 pills a day. Cool huh? It's call aleve or something like that. Goodbye panadol extra! :D
audrey at 02:03
Monday, August 01, 2005
time to breathe...
Isn't it interesting how one's old life can
appear to melt away with the appearance of a new person?
Wasn't it just yesterday that I was complaining of being neglected, unloved, uncared for and totally freaking bored? How is it that I find that I don't even have the time to breathe now? Anyway, now that i have some private time...
Was just having some
toilet-bowl thoughts (so pardon me if these thoughts seem inane, illogical and stupid. They are, as i said, toilet-bowl thoughts.) and i realised that i appear to have no concrete goals or aims or wishes in life. For some, it's to marry rich. For others, it's to strike out a successful career. And then there are those who are just looking for the love of their life. The list goes on.
I really don't care. My life can go either way. I am sure I can make myself happy, one way or the other.Please don't mistake me for a bummer. I am not. It's just that it seems as if a person's success is judged by how much others admire (actually,
envy would be a more apt term) him/her. Which i happen to think is
wrong. So I don't really care what happens and how far i get in life or if i am admired and long
I, the
most important person in my life, am happy.
Doesn't matter if I have a good degree from a world-ranked (but honestly shitty and over-rated University in my humble opinion) University...I really wouldn't quite mind being a housewife..stuck in a dingy flat with a kid (provided I really find that one,
PERFECT man. But we all know that's impossible. I'm not perfect so even
if there was a perfect man, why would he pick me, the imperfect woman?). Neither would i mind being stuck in the office 'til 2am, being the ultimate corporate bitch and stockpiling cash. Hmm..being a tai-tai would also be a good option. Even the idea of suddenly dropping dead isn't all that unappealing actually.
Earning piles and piles of cash sounds like a damned good idea but does it matter? Having ideals and firm morals is admirable..but then again do such things really really matter?
Does it really matter to anyone who you are and where you get in life?Who
really fucking cares how much money you earn, how much you have or how high you are on the ladder? And so what if you really
are right? What's it to me if you sleep around? Or if you lie, cheat and steal?
I sure freaking don't give a damn. It does nothing for me.
You are you and I am me. And so, i not impressed. So what is it to you then? Shouldn't it be nothing?
So why do people use the admiration, envy and approval of others as a gauge of their success and happiness?
Isn't it more important that they themselves are happy with themselves?The comments of nobodies are like the falling leaves of trees.Irritating but perfectly harmless and totally useless.
Sure, they are annoying but do i really want to waste my time to correct every misconception and every small wrong done to me? That said, I guess pretty much don't care much about that many people. If i cared, I'd be all riled up when something unjust was said. But most of the time, I prefer to
let sleeping dogs lie. Afterall, I don't need you to make me happy.
I already am.
So really, why bother?
audrey at 22:47