Monday, February 28, 2005

the morning after...

I just celebrated my 22nd bday yday. it was a celebration 2 days late...but it was still a celebration. And as all celebrations go, alcohol was involved. I think i hate alcohol. I just can't understand how ppl can become alcoholics. All that puking..the headache...and the stupid things u say and do when drunk...yuck! And the dehydration. And the nagging from mom. And the lethargy...

I'm sitting here whining becuz i feel sick. Not thaaaaat sick but sick enough to know that i won't be clubbing for a relatively long time. I have shaky legs and fingers (i keep typing the wrong keys by the way), still feel the vomit trying to come up (even though there's only water in my tummy) and just fought the runs. The only good thing is that the headache i had yday (yes, it's crazy to go clubbing when u have a headache but that's me.) is gone. Oh,'s a misconception that u can't take panadol and drink. You can. I do it all the time and nothing has far. Just don't take too much of either and you should be quite safe. And no, it's not the same as doing drugs. You do NOT get a high by mixing panadol with alcohol.

I am just so sick of feeling sick. (I apologise for using the same word (sick) in the same sentence. My brain usually doesn't work too well the morning after.) In fact, I've become quite good at being sick. Or so my good friend, Serene, tells me. Oh, she's the one who looks after me when i'm totally smashed so she should know. I can tell exactly when am i going to vomit..and how much im going to vomit so my merlion sessions are usually perfectly timed. And i never vomit on anyone...or anywhere im not supposed to. It's always into a plastic bag, or flower pot..or bush..or drain or at worst, a corner. And best of all, i always give warning so people can get away. Or come attend to me, for that matter. Isn't it cool that im still so considerate when drunk? Haha!

I've gotten so good at puking that i can tell when others want to puke. Here's a tip. Always insist on a bag from the taxi uncle when u are drunk. Even if u have already puked a few times before getting on, u should always get a bag. And hold it in both hands all the way. You really don't want to vomit in the cab. Apart from dirtying urself (and the poor poor person sharing the cab with u), u probably have to compensate the driver. That's gonna cost u about $20-30 on top of the fare. No..i have never dirtied the cab before..i was the poor poor person sharing the cab with the dumb dumb who pretended he could hold it in. Enough said.

So why do i still drink so much? Erm...that's a good question really. I guess when in rome, do as the romans do. Besides, it's not fun just watching people do stupid's much more fun joining them (and not caring that u are being stupid.) Btw, have u ever been completely sober in a club? It's very boring, isn't it? Watching ugly dance moves can only entertain u for just so long. My theory is that people who say they don't enjoy clubbing are people who don't dare/can't afford to get drunk. It's not really that fun to be stuck in a hot, smoky and crowded place filled with drunk, rowdy and sweaty people. And to be conscious of that fact makes it worse i guess.

BUT...i really think i gotta stop clubbing. I keep going to bed without bathing or washing my makeup off...which really wreaks my skin. Shit. And i have to change the bedsheets the next day too. Besides, i'm sick of puking all the time anyway.

So i guess i will never become an alcoholic. My body just can't take the reacts in a really disgusting manner. so i don't have a choice...which is good really.


audrey at 12:43

2 lamb droppings

Wednesday, February 23, 2005

royston is the best (next to my bf, that is...)


Sorry for being so rude for not replying (and to think my last post was about being ignored) but my computer died. Again. Yeah, what's new?? Haha. And I must officially thank my dear friend, ROYSTON, for helping me fix it! Yeah!!! So nice.

As for my hair...i did it at color house at wheelock. I cut it at treatz salon in far east. :D technically, this post is nothing more than just an official declaration of my gratitude to dear roy for fixing my com. *hugz*


audrey at 23:38

2 lamb droppings

Saturday, February 19, 2005

am i sad?


As i was saying this morning, i have cut my hair. Short. A little too short for comfort, but short. And purple. Yes, finally..i've managed to turn it purple. Although a little too purple..but what the heck. So now, it's short and purple..and i don't know how to style it. Sigh. Talk about extreme.

So, i was having this conversation with my friend and we were discussing why ppl blog. I said it was because of boredom. He said it was because nobody is there to listen in reality so we have to take it all here. Which is kinda scarily true. And really sad. Which made me i sad?

Why can't people be more like cats. So cool and aloof. They couldn't care less if u didn't sayang them for a week! Instead, humans have to be social animals. Damnit. Really, i think the utmost form of contempt any person can show another is to ignore him/her. It just shows that you don't care enough to even bother retorting. Which is really goddamned irritating. I truly, honestly and positively HATE being ignored. You may say it's my ego talking here but really, i just think it's plain bloody rude.

So..where does this leave me when my bf ignores me???? I need some answers...


audrey at 01:40

4 lamb droppings

Friday, February 18, 2005

new face forward..

I finally have a weekend to myself. No work, no school. Yippee! So today, I'm going to town to cut my hair. Yes, finally. My long hair is going to go. And im getting a professional to do the dying for me. Yeah! So wish me luck yeah?? :D


audrey at 11:27

2 lamb droppings

Tuesday, February 15, 2005

fear nothing but the mundane...

Heyhey...It has just dawned on me why i do all the crazy things i do. All my emotionally destructive behavior and ridiculous nonsense..both in the past and the present. And why i have this really weird attraction for living life in the extreme.

Oh, if u didn't know, i really admire the bengs for daring to go chop someone up in the name of their gang or "brudder". (crazy as it may sound, it's true) And that i really admire people who have really extreme tendencies...Why? The fact is that such acts are so extreme and extraordinary that they sometimes appear to border on stupidity but given the chance, would you or anyone else have to guts to carry it out for something u believe in? Say like to kill somebody? I couldn't...and wouldn't. So in a rather warped way, it's really quite admirable, isn't really carry out something you believe in all the way?

Basically, it all boils down to a very simple reason. I hate the feeling of being emotionally stagnant. Of being so typical. And boring. Yes, I hate being boring. Not to mention being bored. I so totally get why i keep dating people who are so different from me...and doing all the stuff i shouldn't be doing. Like what, you say? Well, let's just leave everything to ur imagination. Come ascertain the facts with me if u really want to know..

I really think i need to get myself out of this emotionally vicious cycle. For my own sake. I just got to stop doing stuff just for the kicks! Sigh. I can, contrary to popular belief, get bored of being contented. Despite all my complaining, my bf is actually quite a nice guy. He's got a relatively good temper, tolerates my nagging, and my nonsense, entertains me and most importantly, lets me piss him off. Haha. I know, this is quite the revelation of the year. Thank you.

In anycase, I gotta learn how to be happy with what I have, and to stop looking for quick emotional highs. I gotta stop going to the "bad boy" thing. Shit. Pointers, anybody?


audrey at 01:52

2 lamb droppings

Saturday, February 12, 2005

I am officially a DINOSAUR..

Yday night, for no very good nor valid reason, i went to sparks. Yes, you may start screaming now. And i stayed till 3.30am no less. Haha. I will now share my adventure with you.

I went there because there was no place to go (yes, there's always MS, new asia and other uber cool places to go, but you need to take account of the company!) and my new found friend (or would it be more apt to label her as aquaintence since i only got to know each other through a round of rather bad majong?) wanted to go there (we should be nice and accomodating during the CNY, you know.). Me and my other 2 friends, being the very nice people that we are, agreed to accompany her there. We were under the misguidance that she had many many friends waiting for her there so we were seriously planning on a hit-and-run rather than a drink-dance-and-mingle-with-16-yr-olds. It was not to be. I should have been able to tell from the signs..but what the heck. Here's what happened.

We parked our car and happily sauntered (yes, we sauntered. See what age can do to u? It makes you think you're great. No more ID checks for me.) into the lift and past the staring overdressed YPs (for the uninitiated, YP = Young People). It's really amazing how everything can change except Sparks. It's still exactly the way it was when i was 16. Okay..except the location..but the people. Identical. The boys (yes, technically, they are still boys) still have long blond-streaked hair. They still swagger around and check out the competition and rival gang-members. The girls still look the same. Thick foundation, super kohl-lined eyes, fendi handbags and killer heels. Amazing. The only difference is that malays now frequent sparks as well. Don't ask me why.

Anyhow, the YPs were all giving us the why-are-the-OP-doing-here look. Okay. OP = Old People. I couldn't decide whether to slap them and tell them that I was the reigning clubbing queen and to stop giving me the doubtful looks or choose the higher route - ignore them. Well, no prizes for guessing what i did. No? Well..let's just say i was outnumbered. So...

We, the previous king and queens of the dancefloor, then majestically strolled to the VIP area where we surveyed the scene as we sipped (no, force-drink would be a better term. The vodka was unbelievably bad. That's what happens when u visit too many expensive clubs.) our drinks. It was really quite an interesting experience. Totally different from what you see at MS or any of the uber-cool places you readers frequent. If u can tolerate the YPs and bad drinks, you should go. I can only say it's an experience.

Kids (yes, KIDS.) were showing each other how to do the latest dance move (which mainly consisted of much hand-waving and signs) and how to shake their booty to the best effect. What was more interesting was that guys generally dominated the podium. There was this malay lad who was intent on doing a mime on stage, in full view of the club's inhabitants. Not that he was any good, but he was a source of entertainment for my otherwise dull night.

Then there was this fat girl who chose to position herself right in the middle of the stage where the camera would catch her image and flash it on the 2 huge TV screens. She looked like she was sexual confused (she looked more like a butch, but danced like a girl) and badly needed some dance lessons. She too was interesting.

The highlight of my night was when suddenly, 2 boys darted out of the club. Followed by 1o others after like 10 seconds (c'mon. The kids are drunk and reaction time is slow). A fight! Cool. You never get to see that in MS. Okay..maybe in Angel or other techno places..but..hey..fight=fun.

We also got to try out Sparks' complimentary stone-aged karaoke system. We had a KTV room to ourselves. It totally sucked. Type A, the bloody system plays B. And the songs were like a zillion years old. Sigh.

Sigh. Interestingly, they offered me free membership. What a hoot.'s a tip. Don't visit that place. Period.


audrey at 13:45

1 lamb droppings