Sunday, July 27, 2003

hi guys..

i'd like to think that i have a long term part time job going on for me now at Starhub. :)

I was just thinking to myself the other day as i stonily watched the trees and houses whizz by on the mrt, how can humans attain Nirvana in this current age when everything is moving at super fast speed? The reason why i was entertaining such a weird thought was because i was feeling weirdly contented and at peace with the world while watching other people being stressed up. I wondered why was it that monks and nuns could seem so peaceful and tranquil and calm ( i think u get the picture) and so seemingly near the attainment of Sainthood while the res of us mere mortals seem to be heading more toward Hell rather than Heaven. I mean, let's face it, we are so so sooooooooooooooo far from perfect..i can't even maintain the peace with the world feeling for more than 15mins. The feeling immediately disappears the minute someone cuts into my Q or steps on my toe without saying sorry.

After pondering about it for a few days..i think maybe i have come upon the answer. Granted, at first i was tempted to just say that monks and nuns and priests etc. have the calling so its naturally easier for them..however, that would be fitting an answer to the question. After more brain contractions...i conclude that monks and nuns don't have to rush through life like the rest of us do. WE have goals to attain, money to earn, people to lay (okay..i was merely kidding about the last one) while monks and nuns don't. They have lots of time to pray...meditate...pray....pray and pray some more. Nobody really rushes and everybody has their own part cut out for Monk 1 cleans the room, Monk 2 cooks and so on.

With that said..i guess we'll always fall short of the ideal devotee...and BTW, WHO dictated how devotees should act and feel anyway?? I highly suspect it was a priest or someone from the Order..........


audrey at 00:04

0 lamb droppings

Thursday, July 24, 2003


I flunked my prac. 5. I am like SO pissed! I had like, what, 2 immediate failures!!!!!!!! *scream* Oh well...what to do? :(

The Acuvue job was real boring. I worked at IMM for 2 days and i nearly DIED! The crowd was so family! You know, the kind that think contact lens are dangerous...sigh.

Okay..i have not much of a mood to blog now cuz my failure is still too fresh in my mind right now. Catcha some other time.



audrey at 23:03

0 lamb droppings

Saturday, July 19, 2003


i know..i know...i've been a bad girl..i haven't updated my blog for ages. For those who have been checking back here faithfully for more of my nonsense..i'm so sorry..BUT...i seriously doubt anyone is really that interested in my life so maybe my apology was uncalled for..but anyway...just in case there is really such a CARING and CONCERNED soul...i'm sorry. Will aspire to update my blog more often...

Right now...the pertinent question is, What have been so busy with that i have neglected blogging???! Hmm...Well, firstly..i was busy for about a week or so preparing for the starhub anniversary roadshow. I had to go for training and stuff like that..Mmm..I would say that working at the roadshow was a good learning really get to see so many different kinds of people...all my collegues (haha...if any of u guys are actually reading this..) were really nice and we got along really well..i really (really sincere) hope that i can have another chance to work for starhub..esp. a roadshow..:)

Oh, im currently employed by johnson & johnson as a promoter selling acuvue contact lens..starting work tomo..will let u guys know how it went..

Just went for my bike self-prac. yesterday. Real happy to say that i have IMPROVED! The weird thing is..i haven't touched a bike for 2 weeks and i actually improved?! AMAZING! Call me kiasu and the typical singaporean..( Singapore PR to be exact), in an effort to prepare myself for prac. 5, all in all, i went for 4 self-pracs first. Heh. Going for the fourth self-prac. on tuesday. my prac 5 is on thursday...hope i pass it in one shot. :P

Y'know...time really hols are nearly over..module registration started on the 21st..that's like the coming monday..Real shitty. I bloody flunked a module last sem. and now i need to take 6 instead of the usual 5 modules to make up for it..Sigh..looks like no free day for me this sem. :((( How totally sucky.


audrey at 00:05

0 lamb droppings

Thursday, July 10, 2003

helo everybody..........

i just wan to announce to the whole world that (ahem!) i love my bf alot. heehee.......

I never really believed that it was possible to fall in love wif someone within a month or takeds time, i used to say. I guess, i've been proven wrong. :P


audrey at 17:02

0 lamb droppings

Thursday, July 03, 2003


Its weird that while i am tired..slept only 6 hours max last night..but i cant sleep anymore. It is just so weird. i think i am genetically programmed not to sleep. What's even weirder is that i can complain to my bf how tired and sleepy i am all the time and yawn continuously (NO! He is NOT boring!!!), i, for one, sleep very little. Hmmz.....

Anyway, Devil's Bar was way way waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay too crowded for me. Yuck. Its funny how they have an age requirement but don't adhere strictly to it. And its also amusing how they let some underaged people in and not others. Devil's layout's pretty nice and the crowd's pretty friendly...but i think i should not go there again on a ladies nite. Everyone was jostling like mad and was pretty bad. Somehow, the girls at Devil's have a perchant for dirty dancing. Well, at least, more than other joints i've visited. Haha...guys....:)


audrey at 13:14

0 lamb droppings

Wednesday, July 02, 2003

Good morning people!

Im in such a good mood today..must be cuz im feeling much better today as compared to yesterday..i was a little sick yesterday. Oh, and i just got another job offer from Tiger. You know, I am really really really starting to feel like a tiger girl.

Previously, i was promoting the 6-pack, then my friend asked me do a Tiger cum Singtel event thingy which essentially consisted of pouring drinks for the guests and stuff like that (haha, but i rejected it in the end..) and now i'll be going to IMM/Turfcity this weekend. Haha..actually working for Tiger is pretty fun..i guess while there is this stigma of being a Tiger Girl..(read:yucky/cheap/airhead) its not really that bad. I met some people, including a manager or two from Tiger, or rather Asia PAcific Breweries (the real company behind tiger) and they are really COOL. I would like to work there when i graduate. Serious. :) But not as a Tiger girl of course!

BTW, the Starhub/SCV roadshow thing will be at Suntec, from 12-13 July. Haha..I'll be there standing all day so if you're really bored and have nothing to do, you can come down and visit me. :) Think I will help you fill up your forms...:)

Yay! Tonight I finally get to go clubbin...after a long break!!!!!!!! Will tell you what was it like when i get back..

Did you know if there is such a word as "vibrance"? As in, a variantion of vibrant/vibrancy. According to my mom, who was actually so boh liao to check TWO dictionaries for it, this word does not exist. But i am unconvinced. What do you guys think?

Oh, btw..i think im like kinda floundering at prac. 5. Guys..please don't start...i know myself that i am not up to standard yet..i (sad but true :((() still fall off the plank every now and then (though on a much lesser frequency), and i still get stuck in my crank course. Oh, what the fuck. HELP!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


audrey at 11:03

0 lamb droppings